
Friday 22 June 2018


As shared recently on a public forum, the EU are trying to change the copyright laws so that they can tax a person for every single quote of link provided. 

It wouldn't just impact upon individuals and their content, their businesses, it would impact upon news outlets like RT, because it would mean that we wouldn't be able to share RT news, without paying for the choice to share the news on this blog. People wouldn't be able to share on Twitter all the links that they do without paying to do so. 

The same would apply to every medium in every frontier of social media and internet sharing of that which is very important for people to know. With major news outlets it would also be 'detrimental" to them, as it is often the case that while people are reading a link, they may be interested in other editorial that the newspaper is offering by having an on-line website. Bear in mind that it is in the best interest of major news website to keep their editorials free, as the higher the readership, the greater the advertising support. 

I chose not to monetise any of my blogs for important reasons, I do not receive any monies from content providers, for sharing any content from content providers. Although if anyone would like to make a donation they can contact yours truly directly. 

The last time I had a holiday was ten years ago,  you have to have money to pay for holidays. If you can't afford a holiday, how can anyone afford to pay to share the truth, ponder upon it. 

Maggie Thatcher was correct about the EU plan "to make the poor, poorer" another reason why she stood against the EU. 

The tribunal held in London in April, Police Whistleblower, John Wedger gave his testimony this year at the ITNJ Judicial Commission. Such an incredible brave heart that kept his oath.

The EU cannot close down freedom of speech. 

The Rape of a Nation and Whistleblowers 

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