
Thursday 21 June 2018



May 2018 

Interesting that UKIP chose the Lion logo, David Kurten London MEP, is quite a Lion heart isn't he; he can certainly roar at Sadiq Khan in London. I've always liked David Kurten he speaks so much common sense. I hope that David Kurten will be able to speak at the next big rally in London.

UKIP are defending our fish and waters. Apparently the Spanish get some of their fish from Scotland. 

Although when was the last time you heard anyone talk about the Canaries sending a jumbo jet of fish to Japan every day. The last time I was in the Canaries that's what the natives told me. The things that people tell me while I am travelling. Doesn't Asia-Pacifica have enough fish on their continent in the far east.

I do like the Canaries and the all year round weather, although the Greek Islands will always be in my heart. European fish should stay in Europe for the people of Europe.


The latest news is that Sargon and Count Dankula have joined UKIP. Sargon uniting the Liberalists with UKIP. I've got my UKIP tee-shirt and badges although I bought them prior to UKIP changing the logo. I've got my Tommy tee-shirt too to cover my bosoms. How about you. 

I noticed today, that the "Answering Islam" website has been taken down, it makes me wonder who by and if it will be going back up again. A Facebook page exists and is still being updated.

It's too late for Muslims to close down freedom of speech about Islam, the truth is out and has been spread via the internet and in published books for at least two decades. There is nothing that any Muslim can do now to stop the truth reaching the people, the truth is widespread at home and abroad. 


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