
Wednesday 23 May 2018


I had a dream this morning and I was calling someone out, telling them how it is with them. In dream interpretation it means that you will receive help from an unexpected source.

Today this video was uploaded by Tommy Robinson and in it is the case of the three boys that were mowed down by a Muslim when they were on their way to a party.

The families of the three boys that have passed over, caught the police force "Lying" and on that I am not surprised at all. In Islam it is permitted and it is called "Taqiyya" and that is in complete opposition to this heart of integrity and the Spirit of Truth.

What justice is there in our country and for our British families when these tragedies are allowed to continue. This is what is happening to our culture and to our people in the name of multi-culturalism.

Perhaps the British police force should be renamed "Taqiyya" until such time as they change their ways and defend our people in the heart of integrity.

So what do the biblical prophecies say about Islam. 2009 was the appointed time for the herald to run with the prophecy, and as far as the prophecy is concerned, it tells Muslims the following:

"You will be filled with shame instead of glory. Now it is your turn,  drink and let your nakedness be exposed. The cup from the LORD's right hand is coming around to you, and disgrace will cover your glory". Hab 2:16

And as far as the British media are concerned they are complicit too, as they are more interested in the American Duchess of Sussex than they are British children that have had their lives taken from them and their British families.

Where were the British media on the knife carrying nephew of Rachel Meghan too, yes, her nephew that wasn't invited to the wedding, was found to have a knife on him entering a London nightclub.

As Jesus said, "Silence is compliance" and we shall not be silent about what is happening in the UK.


  1. Yesterday there was a brilliant march in London for the boys, Josh, Harry and George, some great speeches can be found on-line. Red Pill Phil covered the march and also on the Buska in the Park. I have read on-line that the families of these children are bringing private prosecutions. I think we will see more and more private prosecutions being brought forth. Although it is expensive for the people to have to pay for it. So they are crowdfunding the case for Justice 4 Our Boys. Legally, scientifically, and peacefully. My heart goes out to the bereaved parents at this time, and may peace be with them and their children. They've been so strong together. All our people are asking for is justice.

  2. It comes to something doesn't it when there has to be private prosecutions brought against Elizabeth's justice system.
