
Wednesday 23 May 2018


I had a lovely discussion on the 22nd of May, with a couple that still remember a charity event that I co-organised for the MS Society over 20 years ago. It's lovely that they still remember it, it makes charity work so worth it. Organising charity balls, not only raises money for charity, it also creates wonderful memories for those that attend and support it.

As Diana said, "Reasons for Believing". It's also about believing in the reasons for it, and why it happened when it did. Love manifests in many different ways, when the heart is compelled charitably to help those that are disabled. The greater the love that you have become, the greater are the causes.

When you have given your all to help others during your life, you can look back upon your life with some satisfaction, in that you did your utmost to help others in any way that you could. When you have youth, health and energy on your side of life, that's the time to make the most of it.

A friend said recently, "You've done a lot in your life haven't you", I replied, "Yes, I packed a lot in to it".  Divine will, my hiatus, for now. Although I do ponder upon the possibilities for after the hiatus. The reason for the hiatus, everyone deserves a break in life for rejuvenation. Although after a long break, you often start life again differently, doing what is most appropriate for you in the new phase of your life, refreshed, renewed and raring to go. 


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