
Tuesday 22 May 2018

THE CROW Symbology

It's very unusual to see a raven or crow so close to my door like I saw today.

So what is the message of the crow, as each bird and each animal brings it's message. Author, Ted Andrews shares with us that the crow indicates a weather change, and they remind us of past life connections. "Working with crows can help you to see how the winds are going to blow into your life and how to adjust your life flights". 

I can appreciate the message of flight, as I have to get a new passport.

Ted also shares that they are a sign of good luck. Crows are found in both Greek and Roman mythology and as we know they are also featured in biblical lore.

Prophet Elijah was fed by the black birds. They're a symbol of creation and spiritual strength.

Change is definitely coming. As it is written in Job, who provides food for the birds when they cry out for food to feed their young. Hence it's meaning biblically, is related to charity and the spiritual law of giving and receiving that Jesus spoke about.

In England, charity begins at home, only when England feeds all of it's families, can England afford to help others from other countries. However, Jesus did speak of the fact that his healers, prophets and apostles must receive their wages in the ancient text of the Didache.

In the NT, Jesus shared with his followers that only the wealthy that are worthy, help the worthy healers financially. He told his healers, that when you go out you don't require any money as it will be given to you, you don't require any shoes, or clothes, as it will be given to you. You don't have to pay for anywhere to stay, as you will be given somewhere to stay.

In Hindu philosophy, the bird is associated with the "widow goddess" Dhumavati, (the smoky one) due to her connection with the fire of cremation.

You can find these birds in the mythology of many ancient cultures. In alchemic symbology it can represent the first stage of matter in the Great Work. In Egypt, a pair of crows means felicity. Ravens are also an emblem of the Danes and Vikings

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