
Wednesday 23 May 2018

Nigel Farage -v- American Zuckerberg

While bathing today I was given the word "SHULI" again, then I saw a pink door shape, followed by a golden door shape. Then the pink door was behind the golden door.

It's the second time this month that I have been given the word "SHULI".

After that I saw this: Nigel Farage asked the American Zuckerberg "Who decides what's politically acceptable, Mr Zuckerberg".

Zuckerberg then keeps on talking about "Well-being". Zuckerberg doesn't even know what "Well-being" is. Well-being is a biblical prophecy given by Prophet Isaiah and it is about the soul, not social media.

In the book of Job, well-being is given when a person finds favour with God and is able to see his face in communion with him. When a person sees God's face, he restores the soul, and people shout for joy when they have seen his face. Job 33:26.

In the Isaiah prophecies, it is written that a person has to commit and pay attention to the instruction and commands of God that are received, then peace becomes like a river, your well-being like the waves of the sea. Isaiah 48:18 In Isaiah chapter 50:4 a person is given divine instructions when they wake up in the morning.


Then in chapter 60 of the Isaiah prophecies, it speaks of what the LORD gives you in your life. In chapter 50 it is a well-instructed tongue to sustain the weary souls, then in chapter 60, it mentions how instead of bronze I will give you gold, and silver in place of iron. Instead of wood I will give you bronze, and iron instead of stones. I will make peace your governor and well-being your ruler.

What's interesting to yours truly is that my mother gave me bronze, gold, iron and wood. I also gave her gold and silver. Peace in it's original translation is to do with wholeness and completion it's about healing. Shalom, be whole.

If Mr Zuckerberg had taken the journey of healing the soul, he would never use "well-being", in a social media context relating to his corporation. In fact, when a person has healed their soul, they are respectful of what they say and how they say it, due to how we speak being relevant to the cosmos and our own soul's health.

Soul healthiness is different to physical healthiness, just as spirituality is different to religion.

Religions have clerical institutions, with religious buildings and in those buildings you won't find soul healing happening, because soul healing includes shamanic practices. Prophet Isaiah's followers became healers, as did the followers of Elijah and Jesus, who were both healers of children. As such, during my life, people have brought their children to yours truly for healing and assessment of what is going on with their child.

I was even contacted to do a remote scan of a child when they were rushed into hospital as the medics couldn't find what was up with the child medically. Now tell me how many clerics or rabbi's can do that Mr Zuckerberg. How many people can ascertain the exact location of the blockage in a person's body and soul remotely, with permission of course.

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