
Thursday 10 May 2018


A great song for the freedom of speech gatherings, especially after the great event in London. History was made in the London that I once knew as home, the England that I once knew as risen, absolutely fabulous, take our country back with freedom of speech. It makes the last two decades of spreading the international law of freedom of speech worth it. Human Rights and the Universal Declaration article 19.

As far as I can see; it was the biggest freedom of speech rally in the world so far. How brilliant is that for team UK. We even provided you with the film and music for it.


Tommy Robinson can sing "I'm Free". Interesting that Roger sang about those in the temple not coming out. Recently, I read that the Archbishop of Canterbury had told the clergy that they must come out and support freedom of speech to help defend our people and Christianity, yet none of them did and just look at the Greek clergy dripping in gold, while Greek people live in austerity. The gold is so heavy around their necks in Greece, it's a wonder they can walk while wearing it.

Perhaps that's because Jesus the Jew warned that people could get arrested for speaking the truth, and people would hate us because of him. He knew that those of us that truly followed Jesus the Jew, would become the healers that we became. Why do you think that the clergy have consistently stood against our healing practices, they're trying to hold on to their jobs.

However, in 2000, I did meet some English Catholic nuns that had become Reiki Masters, and they were wonderful. Although the Catholic school stopped us from hiring their hall to train people in, the nuns were so looking forward to us returning, so that we could chat together.

Jesus and Elijah healers of children, the clergy don't like us giving healing to children do they. Never mind, parents with common sense bring their children to us healers with different methodology, and disciplines dependent on what is required by the child that is brought. Children require healing just like adults do, and remember this, you have to become like little children to enter the kingdom of heaven.



What's for lunch today, I had some more Stifado with Borlotti beans, shredded swede cooked in chicken brine, and some mashed potatoes. As I have been divinely instructed that I require vegetables instead of salad this week. This evening I shall have a light supper with asparagus, avocado, and egg mayonnaise. Now I am free too, free to clear up my home, and create an art studio this year, although I am open to receiving help with it. Love beyond measure everyone, keep on it.

This is for the memory of David, and all that we shared to help our people. He would have been so happy about Sunday.

Has Hashem said today, "FILAMENT", indeed, it has been the filament of biblical prophecy. So many threads posted on the internet since the year 2,000. We never stopped did we, not even at weekends or during traditional holiday time. Continually, reaching out to the people, wherever they could be found.  Didn't they tell us to stop flooding the forums, it was like a pent up flood had arrived and nothing could stop it, because water will always find a way around the obstacles.

Big smiles.

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