
Thursday 10 May 2018

ZION Magazine

A new magazine has been launched titled ZION. My response is that Zion doesn't do apps, in fact Zion and technology are not very compatible. Surely you should know about ZION prior to creating a magazine about it.

However, nothing could stop me from fulfilling what had to be done to help people in the countries that I was sent to and that includes Israel and Israeli's. Even technology could not stand in the way of that which is divine. For as grandma Sophia used to say, "Where there is a will, there is always a way".

Zion Magazine, for your information, Micah 4 includes the mission to America. There and back was quite a journey, and one that I would not wish to repeat. It was very costly too.



May 2018 

As Diana Ross sang it, "Love is like a seed".



All the paintings are originals, divinely inspired. 


Sometimes prophetic and sometimes for healing purposes.



The art of devotion to a cause greater than the self. 
For the greater the love that you have become, the greater are the causes. 

As Hashem says, "FILAMENT". 

The word, "Filament" comes from a Latin word, "filum`", 
and it means "thread". 

Indeed, I've always enjoyed threading. 

It reminds yours truly of Proverbs 31 and making the bedspread in the late 1970's. 

A picture of it, for it still exists, 
one of my historical artefacts of prophecy fulfilled. 

You see when I went to school, children were taught to sew by hand, embroidery, crochet, and to make clothes for themselves, children were taught how to to use their hands creatively and patiently, one stitch at a time. The colours that we chose for ourselves, the designs that we selected. I remember that I made a lime green wool kilt, and a crochet mini-skirt and waistcoat, so sweet.  

I was far better at utilising my hands than I was with a sewing machine, I don't think that I was really made to work with machines. I was born in a different era. In those days, schools were helping children to nurture and develop their natural talents that could help them during their lives and careers. 

Some of us had mums and mother-in-laws that were great cooks, and some children were able to learn to cook at school. In those days we had huge kitchens for the children in schools, both male and female children cooked together. How important it is for people to be able to cook for themselves, and to comprehend the importance of the appropriate nutrients. 

As tiny as I was, little did I know that ultimately it would be the filament of biblical prophecy, completion of truth exists.

Although I would definitely recommend that children are taught anatomy in school. For how can they comprehend what they are doing to their bodies unless they comprehend how the body works, what the vital organs are and their purpose for being in existence. I appreciate that medical science is still making new discoveries in anatomy even in the 21st century. However, schools and or parents could at least start the children off in the right direction to help children to stay on track. 

Some neuroscientists are talking about increasing the empathy of children, empathy, how many parents can afford pets for the children to nurture these days. How many children have the joy of living in nature or being about to dig in their own garden, of their parents or grandparents home. How many children are taken to orphanages like I was by my parents. 

When in these last days of the end times in England, children see their parents getting their food from food banks, and schools having to feed and clothe the children due to austerity. Seriously, what is that teaching the children that they will remember for a lifetime. 

My son always had new clothes on his back, always had great food in his belly, and was given every essential possible, including holidays in sunshine abroad. His mother worked hard to pay for it, just as my dad worked hard to pay for his family. 

Dads impact upon careers, and mums impact on relationships. Dad paid for our clothes, and mum paid for his. Mum used to say that if wasn't for her, he would be dressed like a tramp. She made the Son of Joseph immaculate and the flame of Joseph exists. He didn't like her going to work in the beginning, as he viewed it has his duty to provide for his family that he chose. Mum viewed it as helping to pay for the extra's that was required, like paying for holidays. There were no credit cards when we started work. 

Funny how dad's middle name was Alexander, and I bought a house to renovate in a road with it's namesake. Then recently I had a dream of being in that location with some youth that wished to climb over the fence to get to the hall. 

What are children learning in England in 2018, that life is about austerity, shouldn't children be living in the abundance of love beyond measure and everything that can provide. My view is that children should not be given everything that they desire, as they have to learn discipline and discernment. 

My parents saved up for what they would like, and so did my generation when we could afford to do so. Children have to learn the dangers of technology, and materialism and where that can lead them. 

However every child should be given the very essentials for life, for it is a child's human right to receive it. As far as I am concerned, a mobile phone is not an essential, in fact, no child should be given a mobile phone at all. 

There should be a health warning on mobile phones, and computer access for children should be limited and restricted. Toddlers on mobile phones is a definite,  NO! This week I saw a two year old with a smart phone in the doctors surgery.  

Goodness gracious me, their brains haven't even fully developed until the age of 25. How can children ever learn the beauty of nature and living in the creation of it's freedom, if they're on their phones all of the time. 

One of my greatest memories that stayed in my heart, was whilst I was on a Greek Island, one of the Greek elders had such a wonderful connection with nature's abundance. His words and actions, when he passed the fruit to me directly from the trees. As it is written you shall know them by their fruit. 

When I questioned him, he shared his story, of how he had never left his beautiful Island, not even to go to the mainland, he was so happy and contented with his donkeys, his nutritious food, the sunshine, and us visiting him. The Greek Islands, why would anyone wish to leave a place that is so idyllic. The sun glistens and sparkles on the water that you can see through. 

Do you remember the dream of seeing the Jews Harp, the other day I noticed it is mentioned in dream interpretation. In dream interpretation, if you saw a Jews Harp, it foretells of good business news or a welcome change in circumstances. Wisdom is more precious than rubies and as the prophecy says, nothing can compare with her. 

Something else we did in school and at home, learn to play musical instruments, and we sang at the tops of our voices every day in assembly. Children weren't forced to become academic when I was growing up, children were allowed to have a joyous learning adventure of discovery. 

Children were allowed to follow their hearts, compelled by the Spirit. A joy that stays in their hearts forever, the joy of happiness, that they can always find within themselves if and when they feel the requirement to soul search within. 

Proverbs 31 Song

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