
Friday 11 May 2018

JONAYA Interviewing

The MSM would have you believe that it was only football fans that attended on Sunday.

They don't tell you that there were people of all colours, backgrounds and ideologies in attendance.

The Guardian newspaper would have you believe that there were only about 2-3,000 people in Whitehall on Sunday.

Whereas UKIP Leader, Gerard Batten says there was anywhere between 10,000 - 20,000, I think there was probably more, as when it began, the crowds were for as far as the eye could see down Whitehall, and Whitehall is a very wide road and very long.

Those that have walked down Whitehall, know exactly what I mean, Sunday was huge, history was made. The biggest rally for Freedom of Speech that has ever been held anywhere.

One of the people that was interviewing people that were attending is Jonaya, and Jonaya herself, as received "death threats", from Muslims, trying to close down her freedom of speech with "fear tactics". although the police have refused to do anything about it, when it was reported.

This is an interview with a University of Oxford Philosophy Lecturer who attended the "Day For Freedom", and she shares with Jonaya why she decided to attend and who she was looking forward to listening too. She also said that she had a dream of Milo, so how many people are having dreams of Milo. I've had at least two dreams with him in it in recent years.

Jonaya is one of the new generation of investigative journalists attending the events in the UK, although she says that her University studies have been in law. 

Jonaya's Twitter says that there were 68,000 visitors to her live stream of the event and Jonaya wasn't the only person live streaming all day on Sunday. 

So where was the BBC an ITV coverage of the huge event held outside Theresa May's home and office.

Two of the speakers flew in from America, two of the speakers were leaders of British political parties. One of the speakers had been banned permanently from entering the UK, although Lauren Southern's speech was put on the big screen. The MSM didn't provide the coverage of the event did they. Never mind, we had plenty of people filming at the weekend and the speeches are all over Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook..

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