
Wednesday 16 May 2018


Today is the "Day of Flair", and I felt compelled to paint following on from the energy seen on the 14th of May, 2018.

As I was uploading the photographs of today's painting I was given a name for it.


Size A3, 16th of May, 2018. 


Hiatus is an interesting word isn't it and it can indicate a period of time away from a particular reality.  It can indicate a space and time for you away from the work environment. As in holiday time when a person is away from work. It could indicate a hiatus time away from the public eye or away from politics. Hiatus has more than one meaning, so it depends how it is applied and in what context. 

As I was writing that I got a whiff of fish and chips, I know whose signature that is. So for instance a year abroad travelling can be considered to be a hiatus e.g. when people take a gap year to renew their batteries, to take a break and have time for yourself and what you love to do. I can easily view painting has my hiatus time, as there is nothing to think about, just allowing the paint to spread. 

You could view some time away from the computer as an hiatus and you can find the word hiatus in linguistics. So for instance in Scottish Gaelic we find the word 'Cumha' and it means "Condition". What I am given never ceases to amaze me.

Although you can also find the word in anatomy too. The painting has a flourishing energy with it, the red reminds me of the goji berry plants that are growing really fast. There will definitely be lots of red in the garden this year once the fuchsias, beetroot, strawberries, chard, tomato fruit and crimson beans arrive. 

So white, yellow and golden flowers would definitely make a great show with the red. Yellow is a creative colour, and I once painted a kitchen bright sunny yellow, the colour of sunflowers. It's a lovely colour to live in. If I chose to include more yellow in the garden, I could include yellow sweet peppers, corn on the cob, yellow plums, and of course lemon trees. Sweet peppers are easy to grow from the seeds inside the pepper, and lemon pips do great too. Although they do require a lot of sunshine. 

A hiatus colour scheme for this year maybe and of course there is a wedding at Windsor this weekend in England on the 19th, and on the 19th it is also a Jewish holiday. 19th - 21st is Shavuot. In England it is National Vegetarian Week, so will everyone get a vegetarian meal at the wedding in Windsor. 

So for Israel it is Shavuot, for me is Hiatus as I am engaging in national vegetarian week as divinely instructed last week. 

A different photograph of the Hiatus painting showing more of it. 

In the second photograph I can see a yellow and golden bird and a winged angelic being, I find it fascinating what manifests in the paint once spread and photographed. I sense a meeting will be arriving, that is important.

News this evening is that Guatemala has opened it's embassy in Jerusalem. So congratulations to Israel on the 2nd opening of an embassy in Jerusalem this week. Congratulations to Guatemala and their relationship with Israel. Let's include the water of life painting too as it is the colour of Guatemala's flag. 


May 2018 

1 comment:

  1. Yellow flowers arrived today on the cucumber plant. Lovely.
