
Wednesday 16 May 2018

West Knoyle First Crop Circle 2018

The first crop circle in 2018 has been filmed at West Knoyle, if you look at it very close up it looks like a woman with angelic wings with feet.

This video was uploaded on the 8th of May, 2018, people believe the crop circle arrived on the 7th of May, the day after the "Day For Freedom" event in London, organised by Tommy Robinson and his team. The 7th of May, was the "Day of Devotion", in numerics.

Some people have made it into a one-dimensional diagram, when made into a black and white logo shape, the centre section looks like a knife going right through the middle of the four directions. Also the crop circle is on a rapeseed oil field and locations are important when looking at crop circles.

This crop circle looks manmade, although it could be the intention to make it look like that on purpose. Certainly people in the UK have had enough of the "knife crime", and the "rape" of women and children.


On the 20th of August, there will be a rally of women in London, M.A.R.I.A.S. Mothers Against Radical Islam and Sharia. Toni Bugle devoted to ensuring that the voices of the women will be heard in our country, and Baroness Cox is one of the people that plans to speak at the rally.

West Knoyle is a small village, in south west Wiltshire. The Salisbury Plain, a beautiful area of our country. The Church in the village is also St Mary's and in the recent visions received I was shown a golden figure of Mary.

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