
Thursday 17 May 2018


I had another dream this morning, bizarre dream with nude people in it. I had another choice between two men, one of the men I had been out with, the other man was a different man. I chose the different man, a new and different experience, a new adventure, just being friends.

Although I recognised them both. One of the men was born in a foreign country, northern Europe, and the guy that I chose to be friends with was English, both came from EU countries.

We were walking in my historic location near a hairdressers, and we popped into a hairdressers/beauty salon, immediately that we walked through the door,  I saw that there was an English woman in a bath receiving a treatment in the bath.

I told the man that he can't come in, because of the nude woman, and that we have to leave, as a treatment was being given. We then left the salon, we had walked through the door of the shop and then out again.


May 2018 

So there were three nude people in the dream plus myself. When you are aware how many people were prominent in the dream it indicates an increase in power and or prestige. Interesting that in Brussels they've been talking about the three largest exporters to the EU don't have an agreement, and the numeric of three is associated with wisdom.

In dream interpretation to dream of other people naked, suggests that you will inadvertently uncover something about people within your close circle. I don't think that I have a close circle, so we will see what is revealed, and about whom, although both of the men knew who I was.

The woman in the bath had her back to me, although she looked youngish and had a towel on her head. To dream of a towel depends on the condition of the towel, if it is a clean towel it promises good health and material comfort.

This is not the first time that I've had a dream of a bath or a towel and I sense that we are coming up to towel day. International Towel Day is on the 25th of May, 2018. Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, so it's definitely about this generation and timeline.

The 25th of May is sun sign Gemini and I have a gemini moon sign, and the moon is under my Lotus Feet.

Gemini the communicator, quick thinker, enjoys comedy, likes to be funny. Gemini's are usually optimistic, enjoy romance, and can be very supportive and loyal when they choose to be. Hence, in the dream I was honouring the woman's human right to her privacy, and I was being supportive to the man from my country too.

In dream interpretation to see someone else bathing can indicate that someone will approach you asking for help.

Let's have a song "Dream Ride", it's a great song for an hiatus, and today is a lovely sunny day to go to a shopping area where the salons are. A beauty salon for treatments, historically, a "salon is a gathering of people under the roof of an inspiring host. Generally defined as a cultural event linked to literature, art or discussion".

Women discuss a lot in the beauty salons don't they, although not everyone can afford to go to a salon for treatment. It's often the case that women go to a beauty salon prior to a wedding, to have the special treatment, yes, the star treatment.

That was a great name that I came up with for a French therapist, "STAR TREATMENT', we gave her a lovely logo and business card design too. Wisdom more precious than rubies.

It was all about the niche market that she had chosen, top end, and she was providing therapy work  at her local film studios. I wonder what she is up to these days, I will have to see if I can find her.

We met at a large healing exhibition in London, Healing Arts at Alexandra Palace, it was the weekend of Diana's funeral, a weekend I shall never forget. I also met Reiki historian Robert Jefford that weekend, he and I had a great laugh together. Out of all of the people at that healing exhibition, he chose the humble hearted me, we were united in our hearts.

In dream interpretation to dream of walking through an open door, can reveal something pleasing and if you were pleased with what you saw, e.g. a woman receiving a special treatment in a salon, it is divine providence that there will be a realisation of your highest hopes. 

Jesus knew that water holds memory, water is also a connector it is great for healing energy and to give yourself Reiki while bathing. 

Although if you have any "arthritis", don't stay in the bath for long, only wash and get out of it. If you have that health condition, only stay in water in the sunshine, as in swimming in the sea with the heat of the sun upon you. That is the divine guidance that has been given. 

So what else does the dream convey, men are not meant to see a woman nude in public. 


1 comment:

  1. Tommy was arrested, a man with so much courage to take them on. Now what is interesting is that Tommy used to own a tanning salon.
