
Thursday 3 May 2018


Gerard Batten, MEP, and leader of UKIP, gives a speech on the EU flooding of western nations with millions of "illegal economic migrants."

The social engineering of the EU that is trying to make "illegal migrants", legal. The EU policy supports the policy of the UN, of bringing in another 100 million economic migrants with the excuse of climate change.

I am for regeneration of our western countries, not replacement of our cultures due to "cultural genocide". The sooner that we leave the EU the better for all of us. I was listening to a professor last night and he spoke of how the cost of living would drop by 8% as soon as we left the EU.

What I can share with you is that voters that left UKIP in the last year, are returning in large numbers now that Gerard Batten is at the helm. Our indigenous people are also asking for 0 immigration, and immediate deportations of existing "illegals". Remember this that Boris Johnson apparently told India that he would like to give amnesty to "500,000 illegal immigrants" and Gerard Batten is saying NO!

Unconditional love does not mean that you allow others to trample all over your soul, otherwise there is nothing left but feeling bereft. Don't take our tolerance for granted, don't take our love for granted, don't take your freedoms for granted. 

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