
Wednesday 2 May 2018

DOGS TRUST Salisbury

I woke up this morning thinking about having a clear out and to give that which I don't wear to Dogs Trust, then I suddenly heard a little bark. Hearing a dog barking in this context, means a yes to yours truly. If you are clairaudient as I am, you can hear the dog barking.

This video is from Dog's Trust in Salisbury. The dogs name is Marley, marvellous Marley is looking for his special forever home. So if you like him, why don't you go to meet him. Salisbury is a lovely location.

Did you know that Lazarus was licked by the dog. Yes, the dog licked it. Dogs are great healers. As we know 2018, is the year of the dog. I saw a pug the other day, the pug thought he could take me on when I was sending beaming smiles at his friend that looked like a newfoundland.

Look at this, a beautiful Newfoundland cross, at Shoreham branch of Dog's Trust. 

An another one that has been reserved. 

This healer, offered to foster dogs for Dog's Trust, however, after making various phone calls in 2017, they didn't phone me back. There has to be engagement Dog's Trust, you have to return people's phone calls.

In 2016, I offered loads of my paintings to "Riding for the Disabled", I thought they could make use of them to raise money for the charity. Again, that charity didn't ring me back either.

What else is going on with charities, news is that "Age Concern" is in big trouble and I am not at all surprised about that. 

How about I foster dogs in the summer months, and you sponsor yours truly to live in a hot country in the winter. That's fair isn't it, I give dogs a home, and you give me a home.

I think we should start a sponsor a healer campaign. Jesus would like that.

This healer deserves a holiday.

Funny that Prophet Isaiah spoke about Israel's watchmen and how they can't bark. Isaiah 56:10

Perhaps that's why Hashem sent a woman instead to be a watchtower for the flock. Micah 4.

We had dogs in our family, I had a standard poodle, mum had a chihuahua, and a rotti, gran had a spaniel, my son had an old English sheepdog and a Tibetan cross. The Tibetan cross from a rescue had to be given back as she wasn't a house dog, she was young, and had to live on a farm.

Some dogs are just not suitable for living in a house as pets and properties in the UK are the smallest in Europe. The purchase and the upkeep of a dog is getting so expensive that few can afford to keep one.

Property developers are not building houses big enough for people and their pets. I went past another development the other day, tiny little houses and flats all on top of each other. People are living in each other's auric fields and that is not a healthy reality to be in.

There is a biblical prophecy that says that people will start saying, "that's too small to live in". I couldn't live in anything smaller, if I did move, I hope that it would be to somewhere bigger. Yea, somewhere bigger with a mikvah. I had a MIKVAH dream in December, 2017.


While I was thinking about the MIKVAH, I received a beautiful floral fragrance. The prayers of the saints manifest, they do reach yours truly.  It smelt like a bouquet of flowers being given.

I must admit I do like a proper spa bath, being in a spa in the winter sunshine.

So what's for lunch today, I think I shall make a Pizza, after reading the update on the patriots (USA) whose Pizza Parlour has now closed. You may remember the original interview that Milo did on the case was featured on this blog.

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