
Tuesday 1 May 2018


Following on from the "Train Station Dream". I've really got the travelling buzz now. I haven't been abroad for two weeks in the sun for ten years.  I deserve a holiday don't you agree.

This year I am focussed on not spending another winter in England due to the high cost of it, and I do like a sun tan for my body.

My olive skin requires it on a continual basis. The best way for me to be healthy at this tender age; is to be in the sunshine, bathing in it, daily.  I'm thinking about the Canaries as there are few countries that are close that are hot enough in the winter time. Although if you have any other ideas, options or opportunities, please post them. Although I don't do long flights, not up for that anymore.

So let's have a travelling song from Van Morrison. "Someone like you".

So if you would like to sponsor yours truly for a winter sunshine holiday, just step up to the plate. I'm going to just keep on putting it out into the universe. I'm ready to travel, are you travelling with me.

Please take little me somewhere hot this winter., I don't take up much room, I don't eat much. Just let me sit in the sun and soak it up. See I've made the decision that had to be made. Hot, hot, hot. At least the sunshine is shinning again in England today.


Today is May Day, and on the 6th of May, there is "Day For Freedom" being held in London at Whitehall. Freedom of speech reminds us of the words of Jesus, when he spoke of the only law being worthy of you is the law that brings freedom. Do to you remember Greece in 2010, and the opening of the sophia wisdom gateway, and it's march for freedom. It's been quite a swim since then hasn't it.

A recent dream showed that there is one more obstacle to overcome and I do require a new passport.

To travel you have to have a passport, and I'm the mood for a new passport.

Love beyond measure

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