
Thursday 3 May 2018


On the 26th of April, 2018, I had a dream of being with children close to a fence.

This evening there is news that two children from a reception class, ages 4 and 5 climbed over a 6ft fence to go home to granny. Even a 6ft fence couldn't keep those children away from their granny.

As we know children go to school far too young, given the choice, they would much rather be at home. Did you know that sending children to school too young can impede their development and learning capabilities.

Children and their freedom to be with their granny. Big smiles. Children have a special relationship with their grandmother's when they're allowed to have. I loved my gran and she loved me, my gran used to have me a lot so that my young parents could have time together. It was really important to her that my parents had time to enjoy each other and their love for one another.

Katherine Sophia was hugely influential in my development, especially pre-school. Such a compassionate and charitable woman, definitely a Christian that lived by example. She wasn't a churchgoer, or a bible reader, she would rather take a hot drink and cakes to the homeless.

If someone came to her home and said that they liked something, she would give to them. That would make my mother cross, because my mother had just bought it for her. My gran wasn't interested in material things, she used to give it away to make people happy. She was definitely a minimalist and a giver.

She would take me to the market and find me the biggest and best fruit that she could, gran was definitely into the nutrients in fruit. We would sing, skip and dance together on the promenade, "oh we do like to be beside the seaside." Then she would say "breathe in the sea air, this is living it up".

Gran's thoughts, she'd say "the more things you've got, the more you have to dust it."  How true is that, I don't think she liked housework much. Gran would tell my mum to leave the washing up, and go and be with her husband.

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