
Monday 7 May 2018

7th May 2018 - Art of Devotion

It is what is known as bank holiday in the UK, and the 7th of May, is bank holiday Monday, when people get to have a long weekend off. While I was typing this. I could smell meat, cooked meat, and with the heatwave that we are having in the UK, there is bound to be lots of BBQ's on the 7th. 

In numerics the 7th of May, is the "Day of Devotion".  I find this colour so uplifting, I always have the colour of spiritual transformation. 


Paint spread on the 4th of May, 2018
Size A3 

Day for Freedom 


Paint spread on the 5th of May, 2018. 
Size A3 

Holiday time, relaxation time and enjoying some time out, just being. If you wrote about devotion where would you begin. Would you begin with the history of the devotion of your parents to each other and to you. Would you just stay in the present moment, and think of how many people do you know that are devoted to you. Do you devote your time and energy to anything or anyone, ponder upon devotion on the 7th of May and what it means to you.

For Prophet Isaiah it meant to walk before the LORD faithfully, and in wholehearted devotion. Isaiah 38:3 From a Hebrew perspective that "devotion" can mean to be eager, intense, in the application of your faculties and your heart. Creative people can be very intense, and some people find the power of that intensity difficult.

Last year this work was shared regarding a "Help Meet" and author Jeff Benner, explains what it means from a Hebrew perspective. What causes a person to come face-to-face with a different person, is in order to tell them something, even at a distance.

Meetings have a reason for being, and you can very quickly identify whether you are meeting in the heart of devotion.  One of the recent messages received was 'You are the face of life". Hence sometimes your face can be the message because the light of love can be seen in your face and eyes sparkle with the light.

The herb rosemary in that painting is interesting, as it is often the case that rosemary is put upon the lamb. Although I have always liked rosemary on saute potatoes. I had difficulty growing the rosemary herb last year, this year I shall begin again. Although the rosemary in the painting came from a very large bush nearby, in the ground, it prospers better in the ground.

I put some more basil seeds into the soil today, and also some more chives. The tomatoe seedlings are nearly ready to go into pots and so are the chilli's. The dill is getting stronger and that is nearly ready to go outside in the garden.

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