
Sunday 6 May 2018

6th May 2018 Coming Back To Life

This painting as the herb Rosemary in it, the sprigs of rosemary herb is surrounded in pink, and then the turquoise water, like the water of Greece.

I can see a face in the picture above the rosemary that has manifested in the paint and it looks oriental. In the 90's, one of my Spirit guides was an oriental elder and her name was "Tiger Lily", she was the philosopher guide as in that timeline it was a time in my life of being philosophical about life whilst helping my clients to heal their lives. It is easier to heal your lives if you can become the observer of your life.


I was also blessed to work with a native American Spirit guide for five years, the chief that kept yours truly on track whilst giving spiritual counselling. He was gorgeous and very strong on discipline.

Incredibly he looked like a native American Jesus and his hair was long. This bust of Jesus was found in the excavations of the ancient Greco-Buddhist city in what is now known as Afghanistan.

Another Spirit guide appeared before yours truly, a very tall African and he introduced himself as Peter, he brought healing.

Peter was dressed in the cream robes, as in ancient times, an apostle of Jesus. Peter only appeared before yours truly once, although it was enough to convince me of his presence in my life at that time. Seeing is believing, it turns your life around, you are transfigured by it, just as Jesus was transfigured when he saw the Spirit of Elijah and Moses.

How can you know what truly exists, unless you can experience and see it with your own eyes wide open. Jesus with clear sightedness, clairvoyant. He embraced his own spiritual talents, and gifts, he also helped and encouraged us to develop ours. Those that truly followed him through the heavens, and dimensions, had many spiritual experiences.


The speeches are on today with the "Day for Freedom", and freedom of speech, being live streamed at 3pm from Whitehall.

I had the day for freedom and it's speakers in mind and heart while spreading the paint for the event today in London.

Rosemary is appropriate for MILO Yiannopoulous and I saw his face on my left just prior to drifting off to sleep last night. I think today is going to be a healing day for him, and it's going to be hot, so drink lot's of water. MILO has returned home to England to speak in Whitehall. Today is a day of history being made in England, an historic day that will be filmed for prosperity.

Has Hashem spoke of it, years ago, love grows wherever his rose Mary goes.

5th of May, 2018. 

This is a song released in 1994, and is credited solely to David Gilmour from Pink Floyd. The song is called, "Coming Back to Life". David Gilmour says that he wrote this song about his wife Polly.

"While the seeds of life and the seeds of change were planted".


4th of May, 2018 

For MILO and Tommy, and the whole team leading the charge for freedom in London today. 

It feels like London is coming back to life.

Have a brilliant day, Spirit is with you. 

Love beyond measure 

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