
Tuesday 8 May 2018



To see the crowds in London, in Whitehall, at the weekend was incredible, our people taking our country back. That's the London I know, that is the England that I remember, the people defending the people. 

The last time I saw that many people in Whitehall was for the million man march against the war in Iraq. 

History was made this weekend, it was the biggest audience that the speakers have ever spoken too, and it was a great event, so congratulations to everyone that organised it, everyone that spoke, and everyone that went to "Day For Freedom". I think that people will be speaking about it for a very long time.

Some Americans compare their freedom's to ours, and so do some English people that live in north American countries. However, in America, bestselling author Milo, can't even go for brunch without being shouted out of a restaurant, by the left. I don't call that freedom and he admits that it has made his life complex. 

In America, Milo's Freedom of Speech week had to be cancelled. So that is not freedom either is it America. At least in the UK our people have been able to park outside the equivalent of the White House, erect staging, and have speakers speak. That is what freedom means, being able to speak in public without "violent protestors", known as "Antifa, bombastically, closing down the events". 

It has been an historic moment in time for free speech. I might not agree with everything that you say,  or how you choose to say it, as speech is involved in the spiritual law of the cosmos. However, I will support your defence of free speech and the celebration of it.

Interesting that it was 2,000 years ago that speech was also being defended. When a country is being occupied like the Jewish people in Israel were occupied by the Romans, that's when freedom of speech is impacted upon. The same has happened in the UK, with an Islamic ideology occupying towns and cities and no-go zones.

Remember what happened to Socrates too, hundreds of years earlier, people were intent on closing down his freedom of speech.

In the 21st century, in this third millennium, Freedom of Speech is international law, it is a human right, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, article 19. You also have the human right to dissent against what any political government does. 

So let it be a reminder to people reading this that Jesus spoke about speech, 2,000 years ago, and the book of James is just one of the texts that mentions the prevailing view on communications in that time line, truly the communication text has stood the test of time.

Remember this if anyone throws the American "Race Card" at you, throw it right back at them with love,  never shall we allow the American reality to do to the UK, what it was allowed to do in America to divide our people of colour.

We have far better cards in our right hands, and much more up our sleeves, we also have beautiful historic trees that towered above the stage and it's speakers in Whitehall. For on my right side is length of days as it is written. 


Did Muslims attend the day for freedom in London, yes, men and women. Did they enjoy it, they say, yes, they did. I'm sure a lot more will be shared in the days to come. It really was vast, a huge event. 

Congratulations, England, it has been a long journey. Congratulations Tommy and the Team. As my marching dad used to say, "the sun shines on the righteous". Jerusalem dad, Jerusalem.

We have reasons to celebrate, we have reasons to live life abundantly. Keep the light of hope burning brightly within you all, for love beyond measure will prevail. The greater the love that you have become, the greater are the causes.

The event in London at the weekend, London came alive again, and it is typical of what Chiron in Aries has to offer, passion, devotion and dedication to a cause greater than the self. In defence of our people, our country and it's historic culture. This is our homeland, we are defending it, and our divine right to sovereignty, absolutely superb.

1 comment:

  1. Herbs today, parsley, basil and coriander. I was going to get some more salad, and I then was given instructions, "vegetables". So vegetables it is on the menu this week in the main meal. I'm also including goats milk in my diet. I'm never really been a milk drinker, yet, goats milk is great for the back. It's also been a time of eating of red meat, and that is very unusual in my reality. My body clearly requires the nutrients in the meat. So beef and lamb is on the menu this week. Fresh vegetables include swede, leeks, carrots, courgettes, and white cabbage. I like white cabbage with caraway seeds. For lunch it's asparagus today with some taramasalata. Have a great week.
