
Friday 27 April 2018

Diamond and Silk Testifies Before Congress

African-Americans Diamond and Silk testify before congress and it's absolutely hilarious, people are smiling in the court room. The ladies take on each and every one of the representatives and they really kick off. They did a great job!

Youtube did the same to yours truly, another reason why I stopped making videos years ago as I knew that youtube were interfering with the stats.  I didn't like it when they started putting ads on my content either, I didn't agree to that. As you can see I don't monetise this blog with ads and I never signed up to Facebook. Love is not for sale, although time is costly. 

This is a different view from a different camera angle, that shows you more of people smiling at the ladies defending themselves. They did brilliant, I had to have a glass of wine afterwards.

Saturn is definitely retrograde until September, and it's certainly karma and it's judgement upon Zuckerberg. As I have written, "Don't take our tolerance for granted, don't take our love for granted, don't take your freedoms for granted".

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