
Saturday 28 April 2018


A great song for this Chiron in Aries timeline, especially for the incurable romantics that lived through the 70's.

Daughtry - What About Now

Universal Credit Isn't Working

Some of our young people don't have ID or a bank account due to a lack of ID. To open a bank account in the UK, you have to provide a house bill with your name on it, and other form of ID, as in a provisional driving licence. Some young people don't have that ID, although they all have NI numbers. 

When I was old enough to have my own passport my parents bought it for me. Although in the 70's, we didn't require any ID to get a job.

When children had to have their own passports, I bought my son his first passport. However, when he began work, it became his responsibility to renew his passport. I had to put his name on one of my home bills to help him to get his own bank account open. 

The Conservative government just don't seem to get it that some of these young people can't open a bank account. I remember the days when my son had to put his wages into my account so that he could access it. 

Male depression in the UK is the largest that it has ever been, people committing "suicide" is the largest that it has ever been due to the governments "Hostile Environment" policies. 

The question is what does love say now? 

In the 70's the opportunities to get on in life were many, you could apply for three jobs and get offered all of them. Young people today are growing up in a different environment now due to mass immigration. These days British youth send off 500 CV's and don't get a single interview. 

In some cases their parents can't help them financially, due to their own ill-health, or their grandparents. Remember that a lot of the women born in the 50's, have been denied their pensions, and in so doing everything else that comes with that. 

Governments have repeatedly moved the goalposts to make living in the UK more "hostile" than ever.  And we know what happens to the communities when that happens, the more "hostile" government is towards it's citizens, the more "hostile" the citizens become. It's cause and effect and karma upon the British government for the spiritual law does exist. 

My message is this to the politicians sitting in the houses of parliament, "Don't take our tolerance for granted, don't take our love for granted, for we the people will defend our freedoms that we and our families paid for".

The fact is that the British government is working hard to remove the welfare state and privatise the NHS. The fact is that they are continually removing your freedoms, even the bedrooms of the children.

Children have human rights and they have the human right to have their own bedrooms, people also have the human right to housing and food. These are human rights that were agreed with the UK, although successive governments are in breach of international law.

Maggie Thatcher was correct the EU's plan was to make our poor, poorer, than they already were.

Just look at what the EU did to Greece. Greek women having to give their children to Christian charities because they can't afford to look after them. That has been the impact of the EU and their mass immigration policies.

Not surprising then that the UK economy has grind to a halt and GDP is at a five year low, exactly as I foretold that it would. When the politicians hold onto the money, when there are no jobs for the youth, when you restrict helping people financially when they require it, that has a huge impact upon the economy. 

Big karma, cause and effect, if you stop putting finance into the community, the community have nothing to spend, it then spirals and backfires upon those that put the restrictions in place with their "hostile environment" policies that are reminiscent of the way America has operated. Look at L.A. and how many people are on the streets, look at America and it's tent cities. 

Even an African-American guy with two university degrees, was on the streets, that's America's way of doing things. Just look at how much debt they are in, who would wish to follow America and it's economic credit model, not I. 

When I grew up we lived on cash, dad wouldn't borrow anything, no insurance policies except for the car, no buildings insurance. No life policies, no credit cards, no loans or mortgages, no middle men and gran helped my parents financially. Sophia didn't have much herself bless her, yet, she still shared some of her pension with her family, as she knew how costly it was to have a young family to feed and clothe. 

We saved up for anything that we required. In those days there were plenty of Saturday jobs for the youngsters, plenty of newspaper rounds, plenty of part-time evening jobs, as soon as I started secondary school, I was able to do all three.

I would be up very early in the morning, delivering newspapers before I went to school, I was ready and willing to work with a strong work ethic.  However, the UK today, is not as safe as it was in those days. 

The environment definitely changed, by the time it came for my son to earn some pocket money, children weren't so willing to go out to work to earn their pocket money, so what happened in school, how did education change in the 80's. The children born in the 80's, grew up in the ATM era of cards going into machines, and seeing cash coming out. 

My son certainly got better grades when I offered him 50 pence for every"A" he got. His school work definitely improved when there was a financial incentive to do better, he then put more effort in, and he also had more money to spend in the economy.

My view is that as soon as they are old enough to go out to spend money on their own, they should be old enough to work for it. However, there has to be jobs for the youth to do, even if you give your children jobs in the home to do to help them.

If children asked if they could wash my car for me, to earn some pocket money, I said yes, you can. If they asked me if I had any jobs for them, I would say, yes, I have. I could always find something for the children to do to help them. Then they used to go off all pleased with themselves.

That's the time to get the youth thinking about work and where they are planning to go with their lives. My dad used to say I don't mind how many jobs you have as it will help you to decide what you would like to do the best, and dad's do impact on careers.

However, as stated previously, in London in those days there were plenty of jobs for our indigenous population and I was able to work in the office and in retail in two different jobs, six days a week.

The youth are the backbone of the nation, so if they can't work, what do you think that they're going to do with their lives. When even graduates often don't work in the careers of their choice, due to the lack of opportunities available due to mass immigration.

The British politicians are going to have to rethink their position, because the way that they're running things in the UK is not working.

The GDP of the economy has grind to a halt because the politicians running this country don't live in the real world. Even Jacob-Rees Mogg thinks it's great that there are food banks, what planet is he on.

How are food banks helping the economy and it's GDP Jacob.

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