
Friday 27 April 2018

DAY for FREEDOM 6th May

On the 6th of May there is a big event in London, meet up in Whitehall. Special guest in this video our very own Milo looking as lovely as ever. The new UKIP leader Gerard Batten is in the video with the journalists that were banned from entering the UK to give speeches and interviews.

They've banned an Austrian, American and Canadian. As far as I am aware, TAN from Malaysia as also been banned from re-entering England after his visit to meet Tommy in France.

Go guys and girls. Great promo video Tommy and the freedom team.

Jonaya has shared with us that they won't be marching to Speakers Corner because loud speakers are not allowed, so they're going to concentrate on giving speeches in Whitehall and it begins at 3pm.

As so many have been banned from entering the country, it looks like it will be citizens of the UK that will be speaking to include Anne Marie Waters, Sargon and Raheem from Breitbart.

As a point of reference loud speakers have been used in Hyde Park previously, when it is a staged event that has approval to go ahead. Although the cost of staging and it's security is huge.

As Jesus said, the only law worthy of humanity is the law that brings freedom.

With Saturn Retrograde until September, and Chiron in Aries for the next nine years, my message is "Don't take our tolerance for granted, don't take our love for granted, don't take your freedoms for granted".

A recent dream showed that this is a timeline of "Fortitude and consolation in adversity".



"The greater the love that you have become, the greater are the causes".

1 comment:

  1. Milo definitely resembles Alexander the Great. Dauntless.
