
Thursday 26 April 2018

Saturn Retrograde Don't Take Our Tolerance For Granted

From April to September, Saturn is Retrograde. Hence it can be a time of provocation, although it can also be a time of making your complaints and taking legal action to defend yourselves, due to past experiences.

So not surprised that the "Windrush" situation and the governments "Hostile Environment" is in the news in the UK. The politicians haven't only been "hostile" to our community of colour, they've also been "hostile" to the "disabled" and young families by taking away the children's bedrooms.

Indeed, the "Bedroom Tax", people are still standing against it across the country. Even the UN is against the British government and what they've done.

Then there was the Starbucks situation in America, frankly, I think the Americans have been totally OTT over that situation. A business has the right to look after it's facilities, and ask anyone to leave it.

That is the right of business people to decide who can come into their premises, who can stay on their premises and the reason why. The business estate belongs to the business people that own it, and run it. For goodness sake, the Starbucks manageress was just trying to do her job and keep the facility civil. Personally, I don't like Starbucks, and American corporations on our soil, although I will defend the right of anyone to defend their personhood.

Let me give you an analogy, if a man gets into bed uninvited with a woman, than that woman has the right to demand that man removes himself. Just as we the people have the right to decide who can stay in our country, and who has to leave. The politicians and civil servants are meant to work for the people, not against the people.

Although the "Windrush Generation" were invited to come to the UK and are very welcome to stay. It makes you wonder why the community didn't make a big fuss about it when the deportations first started happening in the 80's.

One woman said that her brother was deported back to Jamaica in the 80's, she also said that their families paid £79 to come to the England, that was a huge amount of money in the 50's, when poor families in the England were lucky to earn £7 a week working in a factory like my dad did. When I started work full-time I was earning £9 a week. I had to give three pounds to my mum that she called wages, another three pounds that she called my "savings", and the other three pounds I was allowed to spend on getting to work, feeding myself at work, clothing myself, make-up, and any entertainment.

Apparently some of those people borrowed the £79 to get to the UK, and as seen in the Lenny Henry documentary, people were starving in Jamaica at the time. So some people left Jamaica so that they and their children could live, survive, work and give their children a better future. That's why they were willing to do any job on offer.

Does it remind you of the UK, and how so many people are at food banks now due to mass immigration. Poor people in our country dependent on food banks to survive.

Let it be an eye-opener to how politicians view the poor in our country, indigenous British people at food banks. Just shows you how "hostile" politicians are towards the poorest in our country.

Career politicians, most of them picked while at university, that's a luxury isn't it, being able to afford to go to uni. Many in my generation didn't get to enjoy that luxury, we had to go to work to help support the family. Yet here we women are, having a legal battle to get our pensions that we deserve.

However, some people with charity status think that they can remove volunteers for their reasons, and excuses just won't do.

Don't take our tolerance for granted, don't take our love for granted when people give their time freely to help others with our extensive work and life experience. Love is not for sale, although our time is costly in more ways than one.

For Jesus warned his followers that anyone that stands against the Holy Spirit, will not be forgiven.

He also gave another testimony of warning, about what would happen to towns and cities if his healers were refused. Do you have the panoramic view of what is happening in our country and the river of blood that Enoch Powell spoke about. He was so right, and his Sikh friend defended his integrity and how Enoch Powell even helped the Sikh to bring his friend into the country.

Politicians in recent decades have promoted a "hostile environment" towards the elderly and the disabled, and it began with the Tony Blair government. Whatever colour you are some youth have taken that on due to the media focus on it.

The elderly have been made to feel "Guilty", for being "old and or disabled", and that breaks down the immune system of their bodies. How dare they make 70-80 year olds feel "guilty" for just being alive to receive their pensions.

How dare they make people feel "guilty" for requiring a hospital bed and not being willing to donate their organs. They've introduced a bill now, where they plan on taking your organs, human organ harvesting, is very dangerous territory, in more ways than one.

As Dr Paul Pearsall proved, you don't just get an organ when it is transplanted, you get far more than that, and it can completely change a person's character and health conditions.

As Jesus said, "Children are not a commodity, without love they become so".

How dare 30-40 year olds tell older generations that the NHS is a lot larger now than it was before, when we know factually that the NHS has shrunk by nearly two thirds. We once had over 340,000 hospital beds in the UK, we now only have 130,000, then they have the audacity to put responsibility onto the elderly for requiring hospital beds. After they closed down the convalescent homes.

Hence between April-September, you may find yourselves going back over old ground that you have already covered and it is karmic for those people that are being called out of their ideologies and positions, just like Amber Rudd and Theresa May are being called out with Labour too, as it was during a Labour government that it was decided to destroy the landing cards. Although they do have other proof and ID information in N.I. numbers etc.

It's also interesting that one of the women from Jamaica claimed that in the 70's, her parents were offered the opportunity to have British passports, or Dual Citizen passports and her parents refused them.

So some responsibility has to be with the community for refusing the opportunity to have appropriate documentation. Some in the community chose to become British, and some didn't, as many were holding onto their roots, which is a natural thing to do.

However, to return to Jamaica even on a visit, they still required passports to visit their families. So how is it then that people that have gone home to Jamaica for a funeral, or visit parents with a British passport are then stopped from re-entering the country. Maybe they only had Jamaican passports.

Don't take our tolerance for granted, don't take our love for granted either, surely is the message this year for people of integrity. 

People of integrity, won't put up with being pushed aside by anyone to suit others ideology or belief system. As a recent dream showed, it is a time of "Fortitude and consolation in adversity".

If anyone hands you the American "race card", give it back to them. Don't allow anyone to close down your freedom of speech, and do no physical harm to others. Enough of the Americanisms and their way of doing things. We've seen what that co-created for America.

There is an immigrant at Speakers Corner in London, he "assaulted a police officer" why isn't he in jail. For judgment is surely upon him, although our justice system hasn't put the Muslim in jail.

Enough of it being one law for our people, and a different law for economic migrants. Enough of the "double standards" in this country.

Enough of the politicians that get richer on the backs of the poor, they cut financial help everywhere, people in our country can't even get legal aid to fight the cases that have to be fought. It comes to something when patients and NHS workers have to collect monies to fight the government due to what it is doing to it.

Although there is Christian Concern in London with a charitable legal team, and there is a Liberty Humans Right legal charity too if you require it.

How do we defend ourselves, legally, scientifically, and peacefully and Zion defends. There is a spiritual law, live by it, and it's cause and effect, for Jesus embraced the spiritual law of giving.

For as it is written it rebounds upon you 30, 60, and 100 fold, although in relation to Joseph it rebounds a 1,000 times. The more that you give from your hearts in the purest of intention, the more justice, fairness and equality there is on this planet.

So Saturn in Retrograde doesn't have to be a detrimental aspect, as Saturn is the teacher and we also have Chiron in Aries for the first time since 1968. So you will see a lot of people standing up for justice at this time, just like our people did in the 60's and 70's.

My advice just stay in your centre, stay in your heart of peace, and love will prevail. While the government tries to dance around the issues that they are faced with, they're dancing on very hot coals and their feet are getting seriously burnt in Elijah's fire.

This is the latest news about the NHS.

Bin the ACO Map.

Saturn Retrograde

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