
Sunday 29 April 2018

1973 Jamaican Independence

The Windrush Generation that came to the UK prior to 1973 are safe so are their families.

It all changed in 1973, as prior to that Jamaicans were British, when Jamaica got it's independence, everything changed. A 94 year old Windrush elder shares with us in the interview, that is when things changed in 1973, because Jamaicans were no longer British if they lived in Jamaica.

Those that came after 1973, without legal immigration paperwork, and acceptance by the British government, their legality is definitely being questioned.

Just to put this into perspective, in the 70's a British born person had to have a green card to live and work in America and that was usually sponsored by an employer. A green card didn't give you citizenship, it only gave you the permission to live and work in the country. I think the time limit in those days was five years and after five years you had to reapply.

You couldn't just go and live in other countries like Australia, Canada, or New Zealand.  There have been proper immigration procedures that people had to apply for and emigrating to another country can be a long and expensive process.

In the late 90's, Australia even stopped giving school education to children of British parents that were living in that country. Although if you had to go to A&E, the Australian medics still helped you. 

In the same way, I couldn't just move to Israel, even if I wished to do so, although some people just turn up there thinking they can. I did meet an American that had done just that, my host found him on the streets in Jerusalem.

You can't just move anywhere on the planet because you'd like to do so. I did consider moving to Italy at one point, although that is because the EU allowed Europeans to move where they would like to do in Europe. However, I still asked the Italian elders if I would be welcome to live in their town, and they smiled, and said that I would be very welcome.

In my younger years, I was hoping to retire to the Greek Islands after the age of 50. I had a dream of being a gypsy, Island hopping in typical Aquarian freedom. Freedom being the key word for Aquarians.

However, in Greece in the 70's, you couldn't even buy land, property or start a business in Greece, unless you had a Greek partner involved in it. Greece was very heavily guarded in those days, and rightly so, they have to preserve their precious country.

1973, the year that Led Zeppelin sang "Since I've been loving you".

Boris Johnson has been talking about giving amnesty to "500,000 illegal immigrants", although he didn't share what countries those people are from. Clearly, the government knows what countries those people are from, otherwise, they wouldn't know the quantity would they.

It looks like we have a lot of "illegal immigrants" from India.

As far as immigration is concerned, for Europeans it is Islamic immigration that is viewed as the real threat. It has been shown that what kept the British Jamaican's going was their Christian faith after they arrived on the Windrush.

Whereas Islam has made a bigger impact on the African continent, Sudan being an example of that and how Sudan has been split into two different countries. One for the Christian Africans, and one for the Islamic Africans. Another example is how Islam took over Senegal. In Angola, the people have closed the mosques and Islamic schools.

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