
Monday 30 April 2018


This morning I had another dream, this time I was at a train station wondering what I was doing there, and where I was going. It was one of those dreams when you know that you are in a dream whilst you are experiencing it.

I was standing in a line of people that were queuing up to buy train tickets, everyone that I could see in the train station looked Caribbean on both sides of the counter.

Most were suited and booted, nice coats, smartly dressed with small cases like the old leather cases that we used to have. Small enough to be a weekend case.

In dream interpretation to dream of travelling indicates that there will be a sudden substantial increase in status and or income when travelling for pleasure. To dream of buying tickets indicates that you are on track although there might be some delays. Interesting that Paul McCartney was seen travelling by train recently, and the Beatles sang "Ticket to ride".

Then when I woke up this morning, I did receive some positive news in the post. It was foretold previously that I would have some improvement at the end of April. Hence this dream confirmed it.

To be cautious in May and June, and that the end of the year is charted for further improvements in prosperity, and so it is the new journey has begun in this one year of my life cycle.

Divine providence of the passovers brought financial aspects and wins into the life after I had shared the dreams and visions received by this mystic.

The spiritual law of giving, as Jesus spoke of it, comes back to you 30, 60 or 100 fold, the power of cause and effect. As you give, so you shall receive abundantly.

Pesach Sheni. 

"kimcha pischa"

News yesterday was that Amber Rudd has resigned over the Windrush Generation. Yep!

The day of this dream, the 30th of April is also the "Day of Overload". 

What else has been happening Sunni's are saying that Muhammad from Saudi was white, LOL!.

You just have to laugh at the different tactics that the muslims keep trying. Remember this that Muhammad took a bereaved Jewish woman, a business woman to his side, some have written that she was his rock.  He didn't only have one Jewish wife either, he married two more amongst the widows that he took.

I think the Jewish women were far too clever for the Arab, I think they outwitted him. There have been some incredibly strong Judeo-Christian women of all colours in our historical ancestry. Indeed, women have been exalted in our history.


  1. News today is that the son of Pakistani parents has been given Amber Rudd's job after she resigned. So we now have a Pakistani Mayor of London, and a Pakistani Home Office Secretary. Our country should be outraged that there isn't a British person with British ancestry working with British Jamaicans. Sajid is also a "Remainer", so he supports open borders, and the membership of the EU. I think Theresa May should resign and take the rest of her cabinet with her. I think a lot of people will be at the train station heading for London for May 6th.

  2. 11pm, 30th of April, 2018, Massive fire suspends train services as "explosions" heard near railway lines Liverpool.

    This report says that the fire was near Bank Hall Station, Kirkdale, Liverpool.

  3. Queensbury Station London.
    Train stations not a safe place to be in this timeline in London. What do they do in Israel, in Israel soldiers are defending the people at the train stations and they have metal detectors too. Another reason why so many youth are army trained in Israel, as many still defend their country afterwards too.
