
Sunday 29 April 2018


Baroness Hollis gave a brilliant speech in the house of Lords about "Universal Credit". She says that "all of the promises to the people were broken". So much pressure is being put upon the poor that people are breaking and committing suicide. Baroness Hollis tore into the governments "Hostile Environment" policies calmly, and legally.

The Baroness asks the members of the Lord's whether they would be willing to work more hours for less. She also points out that work doesn't pay and provides the evidence for it.

Jacob Rees-Mogg thinks it's great that we have so many food banks in England, he thinks it's great that so many poor people in England are dependent on charity to eat and feed their children. It reminds us that people like the rich man Jacob Rees-Mogg doesn't live on the same planet as poor people do. Remember also what Jesus said to the rich man. 

The British government are in breach of international human rights, and the Children's Human Rights. People have the human right to food and housing, the UK is signed up to that UN agreement, although I was reading that America didn't sign up to it. 

Remember what Maggie Thatcher said in parliament about the EU and how the EU plan was to make the poor, poorer. Another reason why Maggie Thatcher stood up to the EU. Clearly, poor people in our country are now worst off than they were prior to the Tony Blair reign. It was Tony Blair and the Labour government that introduced the "Work Assessments", that was contracted to a foreign corporation, ATOS. 

Labour introduced over a 100 stealth taxes during Gordon Brown's reign, those taxes have impacted upon the poorest in our country. Cameron's government introduced the "Bedroom Tax" that has impacted upon young families, they've had the audacity to remove the bedrooms of children without their consent, as such they are in breach of international law of Children's Human Rights. 

The Conservatives have removed the pensions from women that were born in the 50's, some economists have said that has cost women up to £50,000. That was another EU ruling, yet some people would still like to stay in the EU, not I. 

Although women in other European countries have not been treated so "hostile", as women in England. Women that have worked so hard during their lives, denied their rights that they deserve. Successive governments have continually moved the goalposts, making it harder and harder for poor people to plan their lives and futures. 

Of course, Theresa May doesn't care, her husband is making money from the wars that she is engaged in with Saudi. Theresa May has blood on her hands, Yemen is the biggest humanitarian disaster, co-created with British military equipment. Theresa May can't afford to feed the poor, yet, she can afford to go to war. How many times do the poor have to see that reality happening. 

We saw it with Iraq, we saw it with Libya, we've seen it with Syria. She can afford to give money to Saudi and to other Islamic countries though can't she. Theresa May has to rethink her priorities, because the British people are not up for it anymore. 

I forewarned the Conservatives in 2013, that there will be "anarchy" in this country, if they don't put a stop to the immigration and economic migrants immediately. The testimony of warning was given for the second time. 

Bring on Gerard Batten, the UKIP leader. 

While poor British families are suffering poverty, massive immigration has had a huge impact upon that, we know that salaries haven't increased in real terms since the 80's due to the flooding of the jobs market with economic migrants. 

Remember this that the more that parents suffer, the more that children suffer, our people have suffered immensely and surely, enough is enough. The career politicians have taken our tolerance for granted, they've also taken our love for granted. 

Thank you to Baroness Hollis for the speech that she gave, outlining the facts. I am aware that they have tried to halt the roll out of Universal Credit, because it just "isn't working". 

Not surprising is it that now our GDP is the lowest that it has been for five years, the British economy has come to a grinding halt. If you don't put money back into the economy by helping the poor, that's what happens, it is the spiritual law of cause and effect and the spiritual law of giving, that Jesus supported.

The more that you give, the more that it returns to you, and Jesus spoke of how the law of giving works, 30, 60 and 100 fold. Although in the scrolls has far as Joseph is concerned it returns a 1,000 fold e.g. one healer became a thousand in these hands. 

For every poor person that suffers due to the policies of the politicians upon the poor, 1,000 activists will come back at you. What Labour and the Conservatives have done is alienate the voters against them. 

Now they tell us that there are 500,000 "illegal immigrants" in the UK. And Gerard Batten says, "No amnesty for illegal immigrants" in response to the Boris buffoon. 

I agree with Gerard Batten due to our country experiencing cultural genocide. We have to close the borders, and we have to stop immigration completely, for at least five years. Our country doesn't have the infrastructure to cope with mass immigration. We are a tiny little Island that is overpopulated with people living in the smallest spaces in Europe. 

Boris Johnson is doing a "calamity Clinton", trying to get votes from "illegals", that's the sort of thing that Jeremy Corbyn would do too. See there is no difference between the Tories and Labour. 

It's second passover, I've had my chicken noodle soup, I'm now going to have a cup of coffee and some coffee and walnut cake. At least the walnuts were a health success. 

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