
Wednesday 7 March 2018

Fatwa's on Americans

Pamela Geller wrote a book called, "FATWA" that was published by Milo's publishing company in America. Pamela wrote that book knowing that there was an Islamic fatwa on her life. In this video, Milo shares that the left have now gone after her children. Her children that Pamela has done her utmost to keep safe.

Milo is asking why are Conservatives staying silent about what is happening in this regard, why aren't they rising up to help their own, and people that are defending your lives. People that are speaking the truth why aren't people standing up and supporting those that have supported the freedom of your country and freedom of speech. Milo says, "No more mister nice guy".

Children's lives are at stake, because a woman dared to tell the truth. Milo is "very angry", now. Pamela Geller is one of the author's of his publishing company and he will defend her and her children. He admits that he is really "upset", about what the left have done and he feels a "despair for America."

Milo I have to tell you that I felt that for America before you even started working on their soil, it got to the point that I could not mourn for them any longer.

Milo is only prepared to stay in America, if Americans get organised, and start defending in large numbers.

When a spiritual elder asked yours truly what shall we do about the prospect of a war, I responded, we respond, legally, scientifically, and peacefully. My view is you can't "terrify", the left, as Milo proposes, if and when they try to or do "terrify" you, otherwise the cycle just continues. 

I appreciate that this situation has become personal for Milo, as Pamela is a friend, Pamela and her children are important to him and he is a man that arises to defend and protect. What Milo is really asking you is how important are they to you, and if defenders of truth are not important to you, then who is. 

As the LORD said, "Don't get upset". 

Calm down, keep a clear head, Pamela will do what Pamela feels is right for her family. If our countries went to war every time something happened to someone, then we wouldn't have a planet to defend. If I was Pamela, I would bring a class action lawsuit against those that have gone after her and her children, I would sue, sue, sue, until they finally get the message that truth stands in a court of law and justice shall be done. 

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