
Wednesday 7 March 2018

Poetry of Music


Some have written that our generation had the best of musicians,
I tend to agree. We appreciate you and everything that you have done. 

The poetry of music that was helping people to hold on to the love to be free.
The sound of music, born free to be me. 

Helping people to liberate their love held in their hearts and souls. 

Songs that encouraged people to heal and always remember,
 that love exists and it always will.
The power of divine love, helps people to make a breakthrough. 

Music that stopped people from giving up,
songs that said hold your head up. 

Love that continues to march on,
continues to be true in the heart, just like the start. 

With love in your hearts, how can you ever be apart,
from that which you truly love. 

Boundaries exist within yourselves,
when you know those boundaries, 
you also appreciate that countries have boundaries too. 

Appreciation of the land on which you live, and forgive. 

It's still worthy of defending, for Zion defends,
and depends upon it for freedom to exist. 

Zion defends your hearts and souls,
so that Spirit can reign. 

It's your journey, your spiritual journey that cannot be denied. 

So pour out the love from every crevice of your being. 

Pour out your love upon your people,
so that they can be seeing Spirit with eyes wide open.  

Love exists, it grows and grows every day. 

Yes, it is pay day, time to collect,
don't forget, my generation.

Some people collected money,
some people were heaven sent to collect souls,
there are different types of saving.
Just as there are different types of people.
Did you also collect divine sayings to share.

Hold souls gently in your hands,
it can be profound if and when you allow it to be.
Reach out and they will find you, as souls yearn for love that is divine.

Let the Spirit flow into your lives,
just be open hearted and allow miracles to manifest.
The waves of love can never be stopped,
the power of it can never be silenced.

Let real love hold you in it's arms,
allow a new spiritual adventure to begin.
Always remember the sweet music and those that provided it.
A message from Lotus Feet.

The olive branch that was made by hand in Italy,
uniquely made just for me,
was shared yesterday, and will be again and again.

The talking stick placed upon the table, where everything is stable.
England rejoices for Italy, in 2018.
Italy gave from the heart, and are rewarded.
The true conscience of our hearts, united in the power of love.

The healers continue, love is marching on.
Italy couldn't silence it's heart, nor could the church silence the bride.
I could see the heart of Italy, it appeared before my eyes upon the land.

The heart of profoundness arrived, the heart of truth and integrity.
Wisdom more precious than rubies,
divine wisdom that brings length of days.
The power to heal, the greatest power of divine love.
That is what makes a saint with patience beyond measure.

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