
Wednesday 7 March 2018


Yesterday, while in the bath, I was given England's flag, otherwise known as St George's Cross, so I wore red and white yesterday. Today I have seen this video of Christian leaders of British First being persecuted and prosecuted in court. It sure does bring back memories and in the bible Jesus warned us about the arrests, so where is the English church and why isn't it defending these people that are speaking the truth in defence of our country and people.

After I saw the English flag, I was shown a door like shape with a golden yellow energy in a red surround, it was pulsating, after that it then turned into a large sun shape, on a red background.

The latest news is that they've both been imprisoned, Jayden for 36 weeks, and her partner Paul for 18 weeks, their lives are now in danger. The heat is on, give your support where you can, in that video Paul was asking for our prayers, and divine intervention.

Being in a cell for just one night can have a huge impact upon your energy fields, it can also fragment your energy and scatter it due to the treatment that you receive inside. Please pray for Paul and Jayden and for their safety, they are real people that have worked hard to defend our people and country. This is a call to action, Jayden and Paul really require our help.

What's happening in other countries in Europe.

This is France.

Islamic children and what is done to those children.

"Cubs of Caliphate"

This is Spain today 

This is Austria today 

Who has a flag with a golden sun on a red background, Macedonia. 

What's happening in America, "Fatwa's" on Americans. 

Are you ready to defend England yet! Remember this that people living in European countries with EU passports, can go anywhere in Europe. In Greece, they even give people from Islamic countries new ID's, passports and paperwork. They don't mind what nationality ID they're given, so passport control should be checking how fluent they are in the country of the passport, prior to allowing foreigners to enter the door of our Judeo-Christian country. 

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