
Friday 16 March 2018

Austerity 10,375 Deaths

It has been identified that there have been 10,375 deaths of British people in the first seven weeks of this year and it is linked to NHS cuts. Researchers at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Oxford University have identified a 12.5% spike in mortality rates. One of the authors has called for an urgent investigation and has singled out government "austerity policies" as the reason the report claims.

Austerity never works for the economic success of the country, austerity doesn't improve the health of the people either, in fact, austerity has a huge detrimental impact upon the health of the people. That in itself increases the amount of people that require NHS treatment, creating an even bigger responsibility for the medical profession, that are already overstretched. Austerity creates a cycle that harms the people who are already suffering.

Maybe Jeremy Hunt is happy that he's saved 10,375 pensions and the cost of 50,000 operations that the British government planned to cancel even prior to the winter beginning. The rich saving money, the poor dying is the human cost. When that happens, those that implemented the austerity are in big trouble with the divine.

So what is happening to the financial resources of our country, Theresa May is giving Saudi Arabia £100M. David Cameron said that he was putting aside £50,000 for each Syrian child living in the UK when he was in office.  £50M is being put into  teaching 770,000 immigrants to speak English. That is just some of the cost of multiculturalism that is co-creating cultural genocide in the UK. Of course then there is huge sums spent on foreign aid.

Foreign aid when Theresa May, can't even save our own people with our own national healthcare system due to austerity. Yet, the MP's had their wage increases didn't they, perhaps their wage increases should be determined by their success in saving individuals from the austerity measures.

The fact of the matter is that another round of austerity is coming upon our people, cuts that have been planned since 2015. As austerity deepens so does the amount of people dying. Even working families are at the food banks, our people can't afford to live a healthy life due to the high cost of living in the UK. England is overpopulated, not because of British people but because of multi-culturalism that our infrastructure wasn't built to accommodate.

On top of that gun crime in London is soaring, the highest it has ever been during the reign of the first Muslim Mayor. Londoners are now a minority in their own capital city, that is cultural genocide implemented by governments on all sides of the political spectrum.

The EU would rather do business with Saudi Arabia than Russia, Theresa May has made that very clear. Remember this that Saudi Arabia have not been the peacemakers in Syria or Yemen, Russia did it's best to end the Arab leagues war against Assad. For it was the Arab league that decided to take Assad out and it was Russia that saved him.

As Lord Pearson so rightly said the marches in London have no impact, a million people marched against the war in Iraq, it made no difference to the Labour Party and Tony Blair. Remember this it was the labour party that were involved in the austerity measures too, it was the Labour party that brought in the work assessments that have cost the British people millions.

Then add the cost of the wars against Iraq, and Libya, on top of that. Are the Arab league pleased with their outcome, probably, as they would like to see our European countries taken over by millions of immigrants. The UN plan for another 100 million people to migrate west, we have to put a stop to the cultural genocide of our nations. We have to close our borders now.

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