
Friday 16 March 2018

Sargon of Akkad Interview

Tommy Robinson has been doing some great interviews in recent days. This interview is with a youtuber that goes by the name of "Sargon of Akkad" and he has built up a large subscriber list, with over a million subscribers. He shared that he began making the videos five years ago, from office job to commentator.

He shares that if you are against open borders, then you do become subject to the "antifa" students manner of "attack" and it can get physical.  They even investigated to find his step-daughters school, that then reminds me of the international human right of privacy that does exist and should be shared in universities and with the police force.

Neither universities or the police do anything about it. In this interview Sargon shares his views and goals, so people can get a very clear view of where he is coming from. He is also a Liberalist.

I don't agree with everything he says, although I do agree with a majority of it. I think his popularity grew due to his great English voice, intellect, his rationale and common sense.  He also gets straight to the point of the conversation, and in England we like that. We don't beat around the bush, straight up, straight to it, and straight on it! Defending freedom of speech and the other freedoms that we have enjoyed prior to Islam and the EU impacting on our country, culture and laws.

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