
Friday 16 March 2018


After writing this blog post on Matthew 12:50, a light flashed upon my right hand and keyboard in lavender, a beautiful healing colour, and a wonderful healing oil.

On the blog post it was also shared about a library that once existed, a library that was the third largest library in the world prior to it's destruction. Some write it was destroyed by an earthquake, some write that it was destroyed by fire. That happened a lot to our ancient libraries didn't it, people that were intent on stopping the truth being shared.

Every culture is entitled to have it's historic libraries, every culture is entitled to exist on it's own continent.

In the library a statue of Arete, and the legendary excellence of virtue. It is written that she wore white robes and held the prophets wand. There is a legend that she dwells on unclimable rocks and that reminds yours truly of a recent dream of stopping women going over the cliff edge.

Hence we have been shown that saving lives is an excellent virtue, we can't say the same about Theresa Sharia May or the Saudi Arab, now can we.

As the Saudi Arab took the wives of the other men because he decided to take them, one of the Jewish women was bereaved at the time. In Islamic texts, taking women and children is viewed as war booty, as such, what happened in Telford, in Shropshire to the children, is the real Islam.

In Saudi, 1,400 years ago, Jewish people were murdered because they refused to accept Islam's leader. That is Islamic history that the Muslims cannot deny. The Arabs didn't only kill Jewish people, they also killed Arabs too. Interesting, that some Arabs warned the Christian mystic, Nostradamus about the Arab conspiracy and ISIS, as some paperwork was discovered that mentions it, although the whole paper hasn't been translated into English, and there is a lot of symbology in the Nostradamus writing.

It has long been known that people have an important choice to make, once made, people have to live with it. So did you choose excellence or did you choose it's opposite. I could tell you more about the prophet's wand, as it has been in my life since my early days of healing others and teaching it.

In fact, I even remember when and where the prophet's wand was gifted to yours truly, it was gifted by a female Muslim doctor while we were together in York.

I was working at a venue in York near the racecourse at the time, and the doctor came to meet up with me. If my memory serves me well, I was also wearing white and I do remember that the singer BLISS was also with us on tour that weekend. When I was working at exhibitions around the country in those days, I always wore white.

At that time, the doctor originally from Pakistan, had been a client of mine for many years. She used to say to me, "You're not human, you're divine". She was one of three women that intuitively knew that I was back in the country having spent a year abroad.

Farah also reviewed my first manuscript on healing and self-development. How I originally made a breakthrough in my life, some of what I was sharing with clients in the 90's to help them to empower themselves.

Three of my clients in England phoned me on a new telephone number in a new location, and they said, "I knew that you were back in the country". It was like the women could feel that the energy of my being had returned to England.  A doctor, who was becoming a consultant, a Chiropractor that was finishing her training, and a teacher of Shiatsu for people and animals.

However, I have more than one prophet's wand, and I also gifted prophet wands to others for their excellence, the prophet's wand is a spiritual gift that is given to those that deserve it. The prophet's wand travelled with me all the way to Australia and back again. It also came with me to Italy and the Canaries when I was healing and teaching in those locations abroad, so it is well travelled.


Now Christian scripture shares with you what you can find in our spiritual community, and it is written, first apostles, second prophet's, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, of helping, of guidance, and all different kinds of tongues.

Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? Do all have gifts of healing? Do all speak in tongues? Do all interpret? Now eagerly desire the greater gifts. Love is indispensible, and yet, I will show you the most excellent way.

Now it might surprise the Muslim doctor that it is Yahweh that brings the spiritual gifts, it is a priestly blessing. Now read Matthew 12:50 again where Jesus speaks of doing the will of the heavenly Father.

The Priestly Blessing

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