
Thursday 29 March 2018

American Letter Dream

I had a dream of an American man and I recognised him immediately, has I have seen a photograph of him. In the dream he was sending a typed letter, in what he had written he was "angry", and the last three words in the letter were "Desist", "Desist", Desist".

In dream interpretation, the interpretation of the dream depends upon the content of the letter. Clearly, the American man wasn't happy due to the circumstances he found himself in, and to receive a letter of this type, portends an approaching "struggle."  In dream interpretation a letter delivered by a messenger rather than by post, can indicate "discord".

I view this as a warning dream, and that the American man,  is symbolic of America, in a big "struggle", and in "discord", with itself. Internationally, things are not improving for America and the world's view of it.

Remember what Clinton said in 2010, "America is losing the information war". Remember what Bush did to Iraq, remember what Obama and Clinton did to Libya.

Donald Trump has made an agreement to provide more military equipment to Saudi, and in the last three years, Saudi has been bombing Yemen, creating the biggest humanitarian disaster since 1948, say the relief workers. However, Theresa May has also agreed to provide military equipment too.

How easily the western leaders are bought by Saudi, just has Nostradamus foretold.

Nikki Haley has been called out over Syria, America should keep out of Syria, the Syrian leader is a doctor, a qualified ophthalmic surgeon. He must have taken the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm. How many Presidents are trained doctors and have the support of Putin and the Russians.

In America, the word "Desist", is generally used in their "cease and desist" legal letters.

In recent days there has been a lot of news about nations coming together and dropping the petrodollar, financial experts, and even Ron Paul as said, if and when that happens, America will experience great difficulties.

The word "Desist", can mean to stop doing something and the last time that I heard from an American was a week ago. Something has definitely happened that is impacting on America.

After the dream when I woke up, I was experiencing some physical pain, in the bone structure of my lower back, hip joints and in my right knee. I had to go out yesterday, to get some food, and when I go out, I suffer afterwards. I could do with a therapeutic body massage, Reiki healing, nurturing, and lots of tender loving care.

I can't be concerned about America and the Americans, I have to look after myself. America is on it's own journey, and as I wrote years ago, America will be humbled. We gave America and Americans all the help that we could. On a personal note, I am in a one year in my life cycle, new beginnings, in a new direction, so it will be interesting to see what manifests.


Englishman, Tommy Robinson has been banned by Twitter, an American owned platform.

RT report that the landline and internet connection of Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy has also been blocked. The American pressure to "desist", from sharing the truth. The English will not be silenced by Americans. International law of freedom of speech, universal declaration article 19. International law and the human right to dissent.

Do you know American women even change and remove their reputations, some American women don't like to see the truth. People shouldn't have reputation ratings on their platforms, if they don't like the response. Some people live in integrity with a heart of conscience, and some people don't. Some people have a moral compass and some people don't.

Just look at Donald Trump and all the other western leaders that have expelled Russian diplomats, and all Russia was asking for was evidence. Theresa May won't even let the Russians visit the Russian citizens that are in hospital in England. Western leaders bought by Saudi, at least the Russians stepped in to save Assad and Syria when the Arab league backed by America were intent on taking him out.

All Julian Assange was asking for was the evidence. Americans like to get their own way don't they, that's why they control the social networks and on-line platforms. Americans like to control the narrative. However, we already had an English owned platform long before Twitter came along, certainly the English and yours truly were able to impart the truth to people without America influencing and impacting upon it.

1 comment:

  1. Received news from the man in the dream last night. Just look at what has happened internationally since I received that dream. Even the Americans, Diamond and Silk, have had issues with Facebook. Then there has been the Facebook owner brought before Congress.
