
Thursday 29 March 2018

Julian Assange -v- Alan Duncan MP

The latest news and Julian Assange has called out a politician in the houses of parliament, an MP who called Julian a "Miserable Little Worm". I like Julian's response to the Conservative MP.

A good point made that the houses of parliament don't allow the people to dissent, when dissent is an international human right. "The point of the sword of truth is to prick the conscience of those that are sleeping". 

In international law, in human rights, universal declaration article 19, houses of parliament are against freedom of expression.

Where's the evidence Alan Duncan, that is all that Julian is saying, provide the evidence. Julian Assange has the support of our people, Alan Duncan doesn't. Alan Duncan a "name caller", we know whose team he's on, and it isn't the British team of people. Alan Duncan won't be going to the world cup in Russia will he. 

There is a live stream on outside the Ecuadorian embassy, now. Three cases were seen leaving, and some people were leaving the embassy, nothing else.

RT say that Julian's internet and phone line has been blocked.

What else has happened this week, Tommy Robinson has been permanently banned on Twitter, an American owned platform. I saw that news, after I had the dream of an American with a letter to "Desist".

The American's can't silence Tommy, and they won't silence the supporters of Julian Assange. Fashion designer, Vivienne Westwood outside the Ecuadorian embassy, she says that she and others are not being permitted to visit Julian inside the embassy.

As Jesus said, "Silence is compliance" and Vivienne and others are not being silent about this case, and freedom of speech.



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