
Wednesday 28 March 2018

Scientists Discover New Organ - Divine Providence

"Scientists have discovered a new "shock absorber" organ that spans the entire human body". 

It's not really a new organ, it's just that the medical scientists are discovering new aspects of the body and how the body works.


"Researchers at New York University (NYU) say that the organ, which was initially believed to be a series of dense connective tissues, may be one of the largest in the body. They found that the organ, known as the interstitium, is a network of fluid-filled compartments beneath the top layer of skin that may act as "shock absorbers", in places where tissues are moved or subjected to force". 

"It lines the digestive tract, lungs and urinary systems, and surrounds the arteries, veins, and the fascia between muscle. The interstitium is made of strong and flexible connective tissue proteins, with interstitial fluid moving throughout". 

"The system drains into the lymphatic system, and is said to be the source of lymph-vital to the functioning of inflammation-causing immune cells". 

The article includes some diagrams, that includes the collagen bundles.

To those that have been following the messages that I have been receiving and sharing in recent years connected with the health of the body and what is required, you may remember the importance of the collagen message.

Therapeutic massage therapists and Reiki healers also know that the tissues in the body holds onto anything that impacts upon it externally, and internally, and healers can feel where those blockages in the body are.

Heaven and earth is my witness, glory be to God. He always seems to give me some good news at passover. Great confirmation, of the divine guidance given, especially as for the last six months my main focus has been on health and nutrition, we had a great time sharing what had been given.

Last night another message was received, and he spoke of imparting what had to be imparted. In scripture, the imparting relates to giving people a spiritual gift to make them stronger, and Reiki healing certainly makes people stronger.

It is a great spiritual gift to become a healer that can receive divine guidance to help our own health and the health of others. It is divine providence to receive this message to share.


And another one that was published in 2017 by the medics. 
Although it was originally drawn by Leonardo Da Vinci. 


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