
Wednesday 28 February 2018

Streisand Cloner


26th of February, 2018 

Apparently Streisand had her dog cloned, when there are plenty of dogs to rescue. Perhaps she would like to clone all the economic migrants too so that they can vote for the Liberal Democrats.

Clearly, Hollywood is campaigning and it includes Streisand. The Roman Catholics are being arrested too, the Roman Catholics would like to be deported instead of the dreamers. I am so pleased that I don't live in America.

How many dreamers does Streisand have living with her in her mansion, walk the talk Babs, fill your many houses and rooms with immigrants. Give all of your millions to the immigrants Babs, then see how you feel.

Come on Donald John Trump investigate the voting machines. You have enough evidence of what the Liberal Democrats did, as we know, some of the Liberal Democrat voters didn't even have any ID.

How can you run a democratic election like that, America, you can't. Some of those that voted for the Liberal Democrats also voted numerous times in different locations. Now Babs is putting the responsibility for the recent Florida shooting onto Trump, where was Babs, when we were campaigning to stop children being put on pharmaceutical drugs in the last 17 years. 

The middle class that live in cosy suburbia, I can tell you this that real dreamers go to countries legally. Real dreamers can only live legally, scientifically, and peacefully. 

Happy Purim Babs, eat plenty of home made cookies dearie and by the way, I don't think you're wearing your sunday best.  Those American celebrities think that they have a big impact on the choices people make, they've got a big awakening coming. As foretold, America will be humbled, especially their celebrities that includes the Obama's.

Bab's, the spiritual don't like cloners, how would you feel if you were cloned, why can't you give a dog the same respect that you give yourself Bab's.

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