
Wednesday 28 February 2018

IDF in Greece

Italy and Greece is suffering, Italy and Greece is erupting.


Southern Europe invaded by forces that were beyond their control, or was it.

They landed on the beaches in boat after boat, how is it; that the hot-blooded nations allowed it to happen.

Why didn't they send them back to Turkey immediately that they arrived.

When people continually arrive on your beaches uninvited by the majority,

that is an invasion of your countries.

Have you become a soft touch, southern Europe. What happened to your boundaries.

Very few Jews live in Greece, although there are more in Italy to protect.

The news this Purim - Jerusalem has lifted the taxes from the Church and it's corporate interests, the Greeks protested about having to pay taxes by closing the doors to the Churches.

Same day the IDF Chief is in Greece to discuss security.

Do you know that in Athens people from the middle east have been able to purchase a new identity, a new passport and papers. How will the west know where those people have come from. Did you know that the UN is planning to bring in another 100 million people to the west. to bring in another 100 million economic migrants.

Maggie Thatcher was correct, when she warned that the EU plan was to make the poor, poorer. Another important reason for BREXIT! Our nations definitely became poorer when our countries became members of the EU.

Do you know that tourism to Greece decreased by 50% after they changed their currency to the EURO. The EU created an economic catastrophe for Greece and Italy,  the poor became poorer than before the EU membership.

The invasion is not just about the threat to the Jewish people, it is a threat to the whole of the west and our historic cultures.



In the meantime, Robbie Williams has had "blood on his brain", tell the Englishman to stop using a mobile phone and improve his gut flora.

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