
Tuesday 27 February 2018

Dream of Lighting Man

I had another dream this evening, this time it was a man in his 50-60's, a western man. He was attractive for his age, very kind face, and happy to be with me and it looked like he came to share something or give something.

The man had clearly been sent to help and he was very relaxed about everything, he kept on smiling, as he had come to find me and he was really happy that he did. Lighting man meets emerging artist.

He seemed to know who I was, like he knew me, and he had some kind of lighting in his hands. The lighting that he had was an important aspect of the dream.

In dream interpretation daylight featured in your dream is a promise of renewed hope. A beam of light, as from a spotlight can signify the sudden solution to a long-standing problem.

"Daylighting is the oldest method of interior lighting, daylighting is designing a space that uses has much natural light as possible. This decreases energy consumption and costs, and requires less heating and cooling from the building".

"Da Vinci Lighting" 

If it was a lamp, it signifies success, and if you were carrying a lamp it predicts an unexpected reward for a past kindness. Whether he was an electrician, a photographer or lighting man for a film, wasn't clear. What was clear was his happiness, and kindness and that he was holding an important light in his hands. The light of a giver.


Paint spread on the 26th February, 2018. 

So how does this relate to my life, the plan is to make my lounge into an art studio for the next phase of my life, and I think the dream is significant in highlighting that lighting is going to be crucial to the success of the restorations.

As it is important to be able to photograph your artwork to get the best out of it. At this time, I am only able to photograph artwork with the computer, and I can only do that in the morning when there is sufficient light. Although I will also be able to scan small artworks with a scanner connected to the computer once the technology has been sorted.


I am hoping that once the studio comes to be, I will be able to venture into painting larger artworks, and when that happens I would have to be able to photograph them.

So we will see what the LORD has planned for yours truly, as I am just going with the flow of the painting that began in the summer of 2012. Sometimes the paintings look so different when they are reduced in size like this, sometimes I see so much more than when I hold the painting in my hands.


So shall we cross-reference the dream with the biblical text. "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path". Psalm 119:105 Interesting that I have a light box at my feet in my bedroom too, a light box for healing purposes with coloured film.

"Therefore, if your whole body is full of light, and no part of it dark, it will be just as full of light, as when a lamp shines it's light on you". Luke 11:36

It was divine providence the amount of times I have worked with photographers during my life time, and the amount of times that I was in the photographic and film studios

"John was a lamp that burned and gave light, 
and you chose for a time to enjoy his light" 
John 5:35

John is a great name isn't it, my first bosses in the creative industry in London, had the biblical name of John. John Collins was English, and John McCormick was an American. 

We also had a hairdressers around the corner, called Michael John, and I used to be a model for them in my younger years. Funny, that the hairdressers in London would refuse to cut my long hair off, if I asked them too. Although they did like to curl it. I have a godfather with the name of John too. 

The next time a man appears in a dream, I will have to ask him his name. 

So many smiles. "They waited for me as for showers and drank in my words as spring rain. When I smiled at them, they scarcely believed it; the light of my face was precious to them". Job 29:23-24 

No coincidence then that when I was a child, my parents nickname for me was "Smiler".

The 27th of February is the "Day of Insight", so an interesting day to experience a dream with a light in it.

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