
Wednesday 28 February 2018

Dr John Bergman on Sciatica and Lumber


Dr John Bergman's on Sciatica and Lumber Issues. Don't reverse the discs! John says that you have to get those nutrients to your structure. However, my response to John, is that you have to have certain nutrients to help other nutrients to reach their destination when required and people are having to much Vitamin C.

It's also important to recognise when and how it began, as many doctors and physiotherapists will tell you to get more exercise. You should see their faces when you tell the medics that you were in the gym at the time doing floor exercises and that you also danced and swam on a regular basis.  As it indicates a person that has always been into exercising the body, and all things in moderation, as you are not meant to overwork the body or you will wear it out. 

So for instance I don't agree with the over 50's walking nine miles a day, you are wearing out your bodies people. Interesting that joggers had to have knee replacements at a young age, no, you are not meant to jog and jolt your body like that. 

I did have chiropractic treatment when I first had a trapped nerve in 2002. However, that chiropractor also said that I had a degenerative muscular and skeletal condition. My GP didn't agree with the chiropractor. 

I continued with the chiropractic treatments for as long as I could afford to do, with other complimentary medicine and healing treatments to include Reiki and Alexander Technique. I have to say, that the Alexander Technique therapist was fantastic, and Alexander Technique kept me mobile for a long time. Although I have had some coccyx issues since I gave birth to my son, I felt it twinge, if I lifted anything too heavy, or walked too far. 

However, when I had a serious fall in the bath on the coccyx in 2009, that is when things really got seriously painful and at that time my hip joints kept on locking up. Hard to believe that was nearly a decade ago, time goes so fast. 

John says that the back can regenerate, although the only improvements seen on the x-rays between 2002-2010, was an increase in the jelly nutrients between the discs in my case. It doesn't help that I have one leg slightly shorter than the other leg either or that I have shrunk two inches in height during the menopause. Some also say that I've become flat footed, other's have said, I am only partially flat-footed, so partially, is better than all. 

After the menopause, a beautiful young man bought me this inversion table, and within six weeks of doing partial inversion, at least twice a day, the sciatica stopped. If and when the sciatica returns, I get back on the table for more inversion, and I do my best to keep an eye on my posture, and to improve it. I can't sit or stand in any position for very long, I have to keep on giving movement and rest to my body. 

Now it's not just about the structure is it, you also have to be concerned about the muscles, ligaments and tendons that support the structure. I support the cardiovascular system with regular treatments with a superb clinical sports massage therapist, (every six-eight weeks) that has helped to identify which muscles are suffering the most. That helps me to identify what stretching exercises are necessary. Stretching exercises that I can do at home. The therapist also works on my lymphatic system and that is another essential. 

What else is required, nutrient boosters in your food, and sometimes you have to take a supplement too. In fact, I have three supplements to take for different systems in the body, in addition to my nutrition in food specifically for the systems of the body that I am currently working with. 

It's been a fascinating journey and I have made huge progress with the restoration of my body. I can't say that I have much time for the medics, they give you a diagnosis, but no treatment in England. The medics are great if you require surgery, they don't have anything to offer, if you don't. Of course some people are offered injections, I wouldn't take any of that. They're not injecting my spine. 

It's also a good job that I have been so involved in health for 30 years, otherwise, goodness knows where I would be now. I would have probably left the planet by now. Thank goodness that I became a healer and complimentary medicine therapist and embrace what I do with an open heart and mind. Although it was incredibly tough at times, trying to balance everything in my life. 

Thank you to John for sharing, and everyone else that assisted in some way. Always in my heart with the divine guidance that was gifted too. 

It's snowing today again, so meetings are being cancelled, and people are snowed in. The first order for food delivery was next Sunday. Good job, I'm stocked up with essential nutrients that my body requires. Although, I usually have most food and household items delivered, as I don't have a vehicle to transport it and can't carry anything that is heavy. I'm not as young as I used to be, although still young in my heart. So far, I am healthier than my mother was at my age, and outlived my dad.

Your body is a wonderland, what a lovely thought.

In the last year, I have felt more positive about the health situation, more positive than I have for years. I have the appropriate solutions, I just have to keep on it and keep on sharing the breakthroughs, it's worthy to be shared. The nutrient aspect of this has been truly cosmic and I am looking forward to getting back into the healing garden this year.

Although I still live reclusively, it's my time for nurturing me and just living in my peace. Also remember that if you work really hard during your life, your body does pay a price for that. It's not good to overwork the body during your working years, the body must have rest and time to recuperate.


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