
Monday 26 February 2018

Social Media Unhealthy For Children

I have read that young people are leaving Facebook etc in droves. However, it isn't just the social media platforms that is unhealthy for children. It's a lot more than that, as the technology required to access the social media platforms is also unhealthy for children and adults.

So parents, did you give your child a mobile phone that creates brain tumours. Ponder upon it.

The only reason why I purchased a mobile phone initially was for emergencies, while travelling up and down the country in the car. At least from the car, if I required any help, I could pull into a lay-by and call the emergency services.

Or contact the location where I was going. I didn't get a mobile for everyday use, nor did I purchase a mobile phone for my son either. Responsibility is with the parents, not the news outlets. Do you censor your child from reading a newspaper, or watching television late at night.

In the UK, some programmes were only allowed to be aired after the children's bedtime. The same with films, there is a reason why films have a grading, so that parents know what films are suitable for children, and what films are not in advance of taking children to the cinema.

If you give your child the technology to access anything, anywhere, then responsibility comes back to you, the parents.

However, it is not just children that are impacted upon by social media, adults have also been known to commit suicide due to the cyber-bullying, that has been allowed to continue. As we know most of those social media platforms are owned by and run by Americans, Americans like to be in control.

Parents have to take their power back from the Americans, and protect their children from the American on-line realities that are impacting upon the health of humanity in an adverse way.

However, that doesn't stop the "bullying" in schools does it, that has happened for as long as schools have existed. I heard a story the other day, about children that are being transgendered as a "bullying tactic". That is outrageous, and a consequence of the "transgender agenda".

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