
Monday 26 February 2018


I've always liked quotes, and I remember being taken to see this film in London when it was launched. One of the quotes from the film. "Money, pardon the expression, is like manure. It's not worth a thing unless it's spread about, encouraging young things to grow". 

The son of Joseph had a similar philosophy, and he used to say that money helps the world to keep on moving, so spend it, he didn't hoard it. Although we would save up for holidays, when we could afford to save. We were also taught to save and put something by for a rainy day. In the 70's, and 80's people could afford to save, as they could earn more than the cost of the standard of living. However, that all changed with immigration and the EU plan to make the poor, poorer. Maggie Thatcher was correct to warn our people in advance, even if we didn't understand the full consequences of her message at that time.

Dad knew that economically, it was better to spend what you can earn: to keep the economy turning over. Another reason why austerity doesn't work in any country or nation. Austerity stifles the economy, and when austerity is inflicted upon the poor, it always backfires on the rich that imposed it.

Remember this that Jeremy Corbyn's labour party introduced over 100 stealth taxes, during their previous reign. Our people have been taxed to the hilt, with a huge increase in the cost of living, it's got to the situation, whereby, many people cannot afford to live on the planet in western nations.

So how does it feel America to even think about the fact that Billy Graham amassed and hoarded at least $25M, it's obscene isn't it! That a pastor would hoard such wealth and so many of those American churches have charity status, and that saves them a fortune in taxes upon their wealth.

You know what the scripture says, remember what Jesus the Jew said about the rich man and the kingdom of heaven.

It is written that they are burying him with a bible, a book won't save his soul. Billy Graham is a perfect example of how not to do it. You are not meant to hoard wealth to the extreme that he did.

As such, he will suffer the consequences. For there are consequences; and as we know the deeds of the Fathers impact upon the next 2-3 generations of children. That is cosmic law, the spiritual law, the law of the prophets.

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