
Monday 26 February 2018

Medical Study Removed

The medics are in trouble again due to a release of a study that the national media picked up, now it's being removed from the BMJ, due to it including a picture of the patients buttocks. Goodness gracious me.

Go to tropical locations, and your bodies are susceptible to tropical diseases. That's something to think about prior to going to tropical locations, or taking your children to those locations.

When my son was young,  I would only take him abroad on holiday to the most hygienic countries and locations in Europe. My son's health was my priority when booking a holiday and what about your own health.

Read the story and what happened when a couple went to the Caribbean.

That story was in the news while I was listening to this song with Peter Sellers and Sophia Loren, goodness gracious me. The 60's film is prophetic isn't it when we look at the amount of immigrants that are working in our national healthcare system in the UK.

I don't think that the British government have thought it through to the medium to long term; the more foreign medics there are the more vulnerable the NHS and the patients have become.

As those doctors can decide to go home to their own or other countries at any time. Doctors do consider their own families and where most of their prosperity will come from. With the new doctors contracts in England, England is not such a good offer as other countries. Another reason why the NHS is finding it hard to recruit doctors and nurses.

I did read that 47% of medics working in the UK, weren't even trained in the UK. In some departments they don't even speak proper English. Someone commented that doctors don't do home visits, they did in the 60's, 70's, and 80's.

The last time that an English doctor visited us at home was in 1983, due to the fact that my son had Croup, it's a virus condition that impacts on the airways of the child. It can be dangerous for the child, so you have to get medical treatment urgently.

In very serious cases the child has to go into an oxygen tent in hospital. So young mums should definitely be made aware of the possibility, and act quickly when it happens. So where did my son pick up that virus, he must have picked it up at nursery. Infections spread quickly when children go to nursery and school, so keep your children at home for as long as you possibly can. More and more Americans are home schooling, although for different reasons.

1 comment:

  1. Girl, 5, died after 'doctor turned her away from appointment for being late'. Too many patients, not enough doctors, in the 80's doctors knew their patients and their cases, they weren't dependent on computer records like they are today.
