
Thursday 22 February 2018

23,466 Words

Jeff Benner, author of many books on Hebrew and its translations, just sent an email and shared that the biblical Hebrew vocabulary has 23,466 words in the Hebrew Bible. He also wrote that is a fairly impressive number of words.

That numeric made me think of the number of days in my life, and I will reach that number of days this year in 51 days. Length of days is promising, as long as I keep up with my nutrients, stretching, and healing therapies. Also looking forward to enjoying some sunshine again this year, my body certainly requires it.

I hope that you enjoy reading the blog, as much as I enjoy writing it, and I hope that you learn something from it, something that you can hold in your heart. Something that can help you to live a better life and better your life and the lives of others.

I did say previously, that if I could achieve in the next 30 years, what was achieved in the last 30 years, how amazing that would be. I am sure that Jeff must feel the same about his achievements, he's done a great job helping people to comprehend the bible through the eyes of a Jewish person. Helping people to look at the translations of the texts in a different way that is more true to it's origins.

Word studies are incredibly interesting, if you are interested in linguistics and different cultural views and spiritual concepts, there is so much in that alchemical manuscript for those that have the eyes of light to see it.

In non-attachment it is far easier to be objective about what you are reading and looking at; some of it has been truly fascinating to yours truly. It's not so easy to put into words what it felt like when this mystic began to look into it deeply, it moved me into a greater panoramic view and comprehension.

For true creatives, our interests are so varied, also for Aquarians, they're always on the move into different realities, locations, and communities, as time doesn't stand still, and nor do we. So onwards and upwards with the Aquarian Age.

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