
Thursday 22 February 2018

Judge Blocks Virgin Care

Excellent news, a judge has blocked the outsourcing of a children's health contract to Branson's Virgin Care. MP's warned that awarding the contract to Virgin Care was a sign of "galloping NHS privatisation".

That has become clear to everyone involved, remember it was Tony Blair that was with Richard Branson at Necker Island in 2007. Branson also supported the election of Blair, Blair that made war with Bush, the American President in the middle east.

It's no coincidence then that Branson has also been involved in the privatisation of our train services, etc. The privatisation of our vital industries had been planned for decades.

Richard Branson friends with Obama, and the real Virgin stood against those men with 60 just ones, as per the Zephaniah Apocalypse prophecy. In the Apocalypse of Elijah, 60 righteous ones are also mentioned, both small and great.

Thank you to the judge for judging against Richard Branson, see Branson, you can't have it all.

Remember what Jesus said to the rich man, do you remember Branson.

Jesus honoured the woman that gave her last two coins to him, as he knew that was all that she had to live on.

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