
Thursday 22 February 2018


A great song for the artists, musicians, composers and social visionaries.

A song from 1985. Putting it together, hold that vision.

Interesting that the singer mentions the negotiations, as I was gifted with a fortune cookie this new year of the dog, and it mentioned the negotiator. 

Do you have a portfolio of your life that tells a story, many creatives do. Have you reviewed how your creativity began, and how it developed over time, all the different directions of creativity. Did you implement art and music into your healing work, and how did it manifest. Was the manifestation of your talents exhibited in your country and or abroad. 

Was it also shown at a Science and Consciousness conference. Ponder upon the achievements of your life in your portfolio of it. As Jesus said, to yours truly, "Never forget who you are". 

Did the music that you listened too - change your mood, did it uplift you, did the vibrations of it give you healing, how about the meditations that were divinely inspired. Did you record any of those meditations and were they successful in helping people and the direction of their lives. 

How many healing voices did you listen to, how much did you explore your own creativity, did you explore and become inventive in your cooking, or did you just explore hearts with your creative questions. 

Did you recognise your own creativity, did it manifest in how you look, did you reinvent yourself in different phases of your life. Did your creativity manifest in your home, how did you change it, and it's colours to help you to maximise your potential. Was interior design your talent, or did your best creative talents manifest in a different way that was healing for humanity and those that you connected with during your life. 

Did you have creative dreams and were you able to interpret those dreams in a creative and intuitive way. Did you review your dreams, to see how they manifested in your life or the lives of others.

How creative will your garden be this summer, how colourful is it, do you appreciate the beauty in your life, all around you, when you make it so. Creation is so colourful, when you are gifted, you are gifted, have you shared your gifts with others, were you compelled to do so from your heart. Did you enjoy floristry, and did your hobby, art and pleasure become your business activity.

How much did you give of yourself to others, and how much more will you give to help raise the vibrations of others. Let people know that you care fully, give a gift of something that you have made possible with your creativity. People love to receive a giver, when it is given from the heart. I view it as heaven sent. 

Can you sew, knit, crochet, embroider, or patchwork, think about your lives, put it all together, how your creativity has manifested in your life. Did your creativity manifest in your career, did it manifest in a way that even surprised you with the output and outcome of it in helping others to comprehend themselves and their lives. What was the impact of colour upon you, how impressed were you if and when you see colourful energy appear before your open eyes.

Were you a prolific writer, did you write poetry, or a book, how healing was creative self-expression for you. Did you sing and dance, in your freedom of life, did you appreciate your life and the talents that manifested, put the portfolio of your life together, utilise it to inspire others to be creative.

1st March, 2018 in Virgo

Keep the colour in your life, keep the beauty in your lives, for beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder. Keep the great memories that you have, and never forget who you are and what you have achieved in life. As creativity manifests in so many different ways, so many different soul journey's, the meaning of life, is to find out the meaning of your lives.

Every life has a reason for being, a pre-destination, a cause greater than the self can be identified, the more healing work that you do, the more the layers are peeled back, so that you can access your true beauty and purest essence. Divine guidance is given once people step on the healing path to enlightenment. 

2018 Heavenly Grand 

Years of the Dog 

Years of the Dog, 1970, I was working in a creative environment, in a creative industry in London. It was a difficult year for relationships, the first steady relationship broke up. He did try to come back with a proposal nine months later, although I said no, my heart had moved on and I had got over that involvement.

My creative career and belief in myself kept me going. People in the creative industry were incredibly supportive of the youngster and there was a quick promotion at work. At age 16, I was working six days a week, and I also had a part-time job in the evenings. So I had three different jobs, so busy with work ethics.

1982, I was running a part-time business, running fairs, buying antiques, putting a regional book together, house restorations, restoring furniture, and was pregnant with my son. That was a very difficult year in relationships for the restorer. We parted company the following year, no choice, I had to defend my sanity and sanctity for my child.

1994, still restoring, this time a different house, the financial recession had forced my hand, to spread my wings in my environment. It was that year that my corporate lawyers were successful on my behalf. Healing was also earnest in pure intention, in that timeline I was found at healing exhibitions helping souls that were looking for help.

I think it was that year that the telephone service also began, providing divine guidance, health and healing help to people in different countries. A majority of my clients came on recommendation. It was the timeline of White Dove and the Ace of Cups on the banner above my head. The Healer of the Mind. I had commissioned a local artist to paint the banner for me.

A lot of work, working full-time with my creative business, and starting a different business at the same time. Working weekends, and evenings. It was a fertile time for new beginnings in work for yours truly to supplement my income so that I could support myself and my son. It was a very supportive year, that included support from spiritual people, and Spirit.

2006, was a year of new beginnings for this mystical healer, and the first mission to Israel. The great gathering on the holy hill in northern Israel, the blessing of the galilee and a lot more.

The healing meditations were still top of the Amazon charts that year. I also exhibited at the London Excel Self-Development expo, after being invited to speak at that exhibition. It was the launch of the pioneering, divinely taught Spiritual Psychology in London and the book "Sacred Words".

If I look back in hindsight at dog years in my life , they all involved new beginnings, financial prosperity, they were decent years in the work environment, they included promotions, invitations to speak, great support with my endeavours, although very difficult years for personal relationships when and where things didn't work out or come to fruition in a positive way.

So how did you get on in those dog years and what manifested in your life, as it helps you to look at the energies that are manifesting in your life now. I like the idea of it being a supportive year, as dogs are most loyal friends and love us unconditionally.

It's a great year for friendships for yours truly, so time to make the most of it in this new cycle of time. Friendships are also incredibly important to Aquarians, as Aquarians often find that their friendships last longer than their relationships. It is often the case that their careers do too!

So if you were born in the year of the horse, you may find that the success in your life this year will be with friends, healing connections that you may have known a long time, or new friends that come into your lives. A good time to connect with people in your local community, a good time to be creative to love and be loved. A good time to travel, and connect with like-minded and hearted spiritual individuals that are unique personalities in the life journey.

We can also anticipate some positive support from the legal profession. I noticed today, that a legal case has been won against Richard Branson and his privatisation of children's healthcare in the UK.

You may find that people come to you in a crisis for your help, especially people who know that they can depend on you to come up with the solution to that which ails them. So be dependable, help people to make a breakthrough, wherever and whenever you can. They may require essences, oils, art therapy, the sound of your voice, or the energy via your hands. If you have done your homework, if you have put the effort in, then you are prepared for any eventuality that comes your way.

Keep on stretching your bodies, your abilities and talents, and see the wonderful realities that manifest. Always remember the dog licked it! The great retriever, always in my heart.

Interesting that the word "Retrieve", is mentioned in Isaiah 49. Can you retrieve souls and help their souls to return, do you have the spiritual therapy for that, ponder upon it, it requires immense patience and love beyond measure to liberate the love and help people to come into wholeness and completion. Shalom!

"This is what the the LORD says: Yes, captives will be taken from warriors, and plunder retrieved from the fierce: I will contend with those that contend with you, and your children I will save". Isaiah 49:25 NIV

Have you worked with young families and their children, did people trust you, and bring their children to meet you, to receive understanding of those children and what was concerning for those children. Did you help their parents with the healing process; for to help the children, wisdom's research proved what Dr Ursula Anderson had written, that you have to help the parents.

If and when you can save the parents from themselves and their realities, in so doing, you are saving the children and their lives. In 2006, an important research document was written by yours truly, explaining procedure of what was implemented, with the young families, how and why.

Remember both Elijah and Jesus were healers of children, in scripture Jesus even said my name in Aramaic.

Another dog year, could indicate that more new research has to be written up this this year for distribution. Actually, I have been thinking of writing a book this year, it wouldn't take long to write it up - to give people the information that is required to get people on track.

1 comment:

  1. After that was posted Jesus the Jew spoke, and he said, "They thought that you were a novice". Big smiles! I think he is pleased with this manifestation.
