
Wednesday 6 December 2017


This morning I had another dream, in the dream I had sprayed something in the kitchen, and when I woke up in the morning, all of the "fruit flies were dead". In the dream I was aware of what I had sprayed, although when I woke up, I couldn't remember what it was.

Some different methods for eliminating fruit flies.

To dream of flies can relate to "petty annoyances and minor irritations that came to be due to the "jealousy and envy" of those around you. If you killed the flies in your dream, it means that you will soon sort out those that are responsible. Although when you then look at the message received on Tuesday, "doors are closing, doors are closing, doors are closing". Doors are certainly closing upon those people.

We never used to get fruit flies in the UK, something changed. I always used to have fruit on the table in my kitchen, so that my son could help himself to the fruit bowl. So I do remember that we didn't have fruit flies in the 80's and 90's. In fact, a decade ago, we didn't have fruit flies either.

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