
Thursday 7 December 2017

Israel Celebration Mazel Tov

Absolutely delighted for Israel, thank you President Donald John Trump. DJT closed the door on the UN when he sent a message to the UN that it was no to their global plan for migration of people.

Then he declared that he is going to close the door on the American embassy in Tel Aviv, and open the door to an American embassy in Jerusalem. Honouring Jerusalem in Israel as Israel's ancient capital city.

Did you know that the word "Jerusalem" isn't mentioned in the Qu'ran, amazing isn't it.

I remember when I was given a message to give to Israel, "Tell Israel', HaShem sent me to you". 

It is such an historic time, and prophetic timeline. So happy for you Israel, it is so deserved, you've been so patient. It reminds me of the dream of the garden, and everything that had been taken from yours truly, had to be given back to me. It was a positive ending to the dream.

Jeff A. Benner, Ancient Hebrew Research Centre shared the following: "The place name Jerusalem, pronounced yerushalaim in Hebrew) is a combination of two words. The first is "yeru" meaning "flow". This word has several applications such as the flowing of water in a river, the throwing of something as been flowed out of the hand or as the flowing of a finger in the sense of pointing out the way one should go. This last use is the use in the name yerushalaim. The shalayim is from the word shalam meaning complete and whole (the word Shalom is also derived from shalam, while it is usually translated as peace it means more to be complete or whole). When these two words are put together they mean something like "pointing the way to completeness". 

"Mazel Tov" was the message received last night. 

So Mazel Tov, Israel. 

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