
Wednesday 6 December 2017


Tuesday the 5th of December, while I was getting ready to go out for lunch. I received a message, "Doors are closing, doors are closing, doors are closing". In light of current events, and the fast pace that they are happening, I felt it was important to share it with you.

Also interesting that there is a song called, "Closed Doors".

Then after I received that message, there was a report from America, and Trump speaking of moving the American embassy to Jerusalem. America quit the UN's plan for global migration, as President Trump is correct, it is America's right to choose for their country, not the UN. 

Then there was news that the British musician Roger Waters, televised concert has also been cancelled in Germany due to "anti-Semitism". 

Milo is soaring in Australia on his tour of it, and BREITBART Media are launching their expansion plans for that company.  So doors are closing for some, although opening for others. 

You may notice doors closing everywhere now, on the 12th of December it is also Jewish holidays.

1 comment:

  1. I closed the door on Ruptly and other people are also mentioning the 'biased" coverage of RT on the Israel situation.
