
Wednesday 29 November 2017


A fan of Trump has been fired from his job in a Liberal Democrat owned juice bar, Arden's Garden in Atlanta, after his boss found out he had a youtube channel.

His friend that worked with him at the juice bar as also been fired due to association. Goodness gracious me, these young men should be protected by Human Rights law and freedom of speech, the universal declaration article 19.

Milo has featured an article about the case on his website. So thank you to Milo for his support. 

This man say's he's been blacklisted from working anywhere in Atlanta, that's "political discrimination".

Just wait until Trump hears about it, I can just hear it now, his fist thumping down on his desk.

In the meantime, Twitter is censoring the American Presidents Twitter feed, after Jayden Fransen in England called out for his help. Twitter are also censoring Jayden's Twitter feed.

We have the "Freedom of Information" act in the UK. Shouldn't Twitter have to comply with international law of "Freedom of Speech" too, it is a basic human right. 

"The point of the sword of truth is to prick the conscience of those that are sleeping".