
Wednesday 29 November 2017


American David Horowitz, Freedom Centre, interviewed by author and publisher Milo, Dangerous Books. Both men have to have bodyguards due to sharing their truth, so maybe more people should listen to those that have to go through so much to share truth.

Europeans and particularly the English might ask why. Why, Harry's American fiancee, supported "calamity Clinton" in the previous election. The actress is also "anti-Trump" and threatened to leave America if Trump was elected President. Crazy talk really, when the intention of the actress was always to leave America anyway, to be with Harry in England. 

David shares information on the PC brigade in America, and what has been happening in America, and it's universities for decades. If you are a Conservative speaker in America, you have to have a bodyguard to move around the country safely; due to how far some Liberal Democrats are prepared to go to defend their reality. It's ironic really, that now Meghan Markle won't be able to go anywhere without a bodyguard in England or anywhere else she goes.

What else as Milo been up to, in Sydney, Australia, he is interviewed by a Conservative Muslim journalist, Emma Eros, Milo enjoys every minute of their discussion on Islam with the Australian.

Muslims don't know that "cancer" patients are injected with alcohol to stop the "cancer" spreading. 

That's been happening for three decades, as reported in New Scientist. 

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